Monday, September 13, 2021


 10" x 7"

 Back to posting all of my flowers painting that are flowers from my garden.  There are just not enough hours in the day. Spent time delivering paintings to shows that I have gotten into...that is a good thing.  I am also participating in our town yard sale.  Oh my gosh.  That is a lot of work.  Finding stuff that you are ready to move on to someone else, cleaning it and pricing it.  Then you have to clean the garage ,,, that is also a good thing.  I have been painting some 1/2 sheet size watercolors of local-favorite subjects,  but I want to post these flower paintings first.  I already started getting some printed into cards.

Have a great week.  This is such a beautiful time of year....warm weather and new fall colors to paint with.  Enjoy each day.

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