Friday, November 26, 2021

Winter Farm Shed

opaque watercolor
7" x 10"

It's getting close to that time of year.  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and will now be getting ready for Christmas....Hope this will help you get into the spirit.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Pumpkin Patch

7" x 10"

We finally did get some color but I didn't get out as much as I wanted.  I did get some fall photos of 2021....last two days we had lots of winds so most of the leaves are on the ground.  I am working on my gouache paintings of the sketches I did in my sketch book (with a broken arm).  But I am having fun.
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fall Around

gouache watercolor
7" x 10"

Went out on a photo shoot yesterday.  The sun came out for a bit and it is supposed to start getting cold.  Thought I better take advantage of the situation. was a good idea, but then the sun went away and it started to rain.  I still took a bunch of neat photos, mostly of barns.  As I was just downloading them, I decided I just may have to start another sketchbook of barns.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Path Into Winter

7" x 10"

The last few days it has been in the 60's.  It has been awesome.  Wish it could stay this way all winter and we could still have snow.  I am in no hurry to get that white stuff.  I can see it on the Hallmark Channel while watching Christmas movies.  lol.

The colors are finally changing here in Indiana.  Hope to go on a photo shot this week.  Enjoy the beauty of FALL....but don't fall.  one more week before i get my air cast off.  I am sure I will have physical therapy to attend.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Golden Season

 7" x 10"

Here is #2 in my gouache watercolor paintings.  I am painting these
on a mixed media board.  These are exciting to paint.  New type of 
board and opaque watercolors, where as I have been using transparent
watercolors for 50 years.  I will continue with transparent watercolor
when I can go back to using two hands....don't FALL and break anything.

Enjoy the fall.  I wish we would get another warm spell since I missed 
the last one.  Not a lot of color here in North wWst Indiana yet.  Sure hope
we get more color.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

A River View

 gouache watercolor
 7" x 10"

 Since I had this fall 6 weeks ago, I haven't been able to paint my usual watercolors with one hand.  So I completed a whole sketchbook in pencil and now I am painting some of my drawings from the book. The book is on barns and this is not in the sketch book...hence, no barn.  It's fun to try new mediums now and then.

Have a great fall weekend and Happy Halloween... May all you candy be chocolate.

Friday, October 29, 2021

We Need Rain for the Grain

14" x 21"

Silos have really come a long way and so has the farming industry. Remember the wind mills you used to see with old barns....once in a while i can still find one.  Now we have turbines. I live about an hour and a half from turbine farms.  They are amazing to watch and see fields of them.  They are huge.  But you need a windy day to see them in action.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Industry of Farming

 14" x 21"

Out again on a ride with my hubby,  I really enjoy going for rides in the a puppy.  As he is driving through the country I am trying to take photos.  It's been harder these past 5 weeks with a broken arm. It's amazing when you realize quickly how you need two hands to do most things.  It really makes me think about wounded warriors and first responders who have lost limbs. God Bless them all.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Rain at the Pier

 14" x 21" 

This is what a rainy day looks like in Chicago...just like in your city.  lol.  Right now it is raining again.  It started during the night and it's going to be raining for a fact, they are calling for the Little Calumet River to flood.  May crest Monday or Tuesday.   Stay dry and have a great wet weekend.  With all of this rain the leaves will fall before the colors change.  Glad I have an Artistic License.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Angel on Deck

7" x 10"

Well it's been a crazy 5 weeks after my fall when I went out to do some plein air painting.  Think I should just remain a studio artist.  I am so far behind  posting here.  Hard to type with one hand.  I am getting better but I think I have a ways to go.

Since it was to hard to paint during that time I have been doing a sketch book of drawings of barns.  I found a bunch of old photos of mine from the 70's, 80's.
Haven't seen these in ages.  It was really a great find.  I ended up doing 37 drawings in this book.  It was fun studying composition and making things up.  I really liked how it turned out.  Now my goal is to turn these sketches into paintings.  Watch for them.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 7" x 10"

 these are some of the first flowers that i see in my gardens in spring.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


10 " x 7 "

here's another floral from my garden.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Cala Lily

 10" x 7"

i had promised to get my blog up to date,  Life 101 got in the way,  I have been busy with some workshops that I was teaching.  Then we decided to have a garage sale so there was a lot of prep for that.  then the week before i went out to paint with some artists.  New environment so i fell.  of my !!  LONG STORY SHORT,,,,broken nose, fractured humorous, broken bone in shoulder, GLAD  it was my left arm. The scrapes on my knees, nose and forehead are healing nicely.

So i will try my best to catch up.  maybe i should just paint in the studio... hard to type with one hand,   Watch your step.

Monday, September 13, 2021


 10" x 7"

 Back to posting all of my flowers painting that are flowers from my garden.  There are just not enough hours in the day. Spent time delivering paintings to shows that I have gotten into...that is a good thing.  I am also participating in our town yard sale.  Oh my gosh.  That is a lot of work.  Finding stuff that you are ready to move on to someone else, cleaning it and pricing it.  Then you have to clean the garage ,,, that is also a good thing.  I have been painting some 1/2 sheet size watercolors of local-favorite subjects,  but I want to post these flower paintings first.  I already started getting some printed into cards.

Have a great week.  This is such a beautiful time of year....warm weather and new fall colors to paint with.  Enjoy each day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Delphinium II

 10" x 7"

I wanted to do a little close up of the delphinium flowers that are yearly beauties in my garden.  This is the time of year when we must enjoy our gardens as summer is coming to an end.  I weeded the other day and it is still looking really good.  Gardens are a lot of work.  They are expensive to plant and time consuming to maintain...but they are little blessings when they are in bloom and they make great subject matter.   Take time to smell the flowers.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Delphinium I

 10" x 7"

Here is the second page in my floral sketchbook.  This is one of my favorite flowers in my front garden.  It was so amazing to see how tall that they grew this year.  After they bloomed, I cut trimmed them back and now I am enjoying the second growth.

The mums in my garden are ready to burst open their blooms.  I can't wait to see what colors they will be.  One I noticed is yellow.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Angel on Deck

7" x 10"

I always wanted to paint a collection of watercolors of the flowers in my garden.  Last year I did a few plein air studies.  I probably post those last year.  This year I made a special sketchbook just for these paintings.  They are painted on various types of watercolor paper.

This is my deck table where I enjoy sitting and enjoying each day.  I used to laugh at my mom and gramma for having a gazing ball in the yard.  I had no idea what purpose it served?  I was told the birds like to see their reflections in the gazing ball.  Now....I do not want to tell you my thoughts on Gazing balls or how many I have.   Let's just say....they ALL look so pretty and the birds like to see their reflections in them.  lol.

Keep coming back to see what grows in my garden here in Indiana.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

A Sunny Day

 10" x 14"

On the way through Indiana on a photo shoot I came across this beautiful  house with this lovely landscaping.  I am sure I added a few extra trees and flowers...did I add the fence, too?

Enjoy these last days of summer.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


"REFINERY"  watercolor
14" x 21"

 "AMOCO"  watercolor

These were my two entries that were accepted into the 97th Hoosier Salon Annual Juried Exhibition.  The opening was Aug. 19 at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana.  It was an exciting night.  My painting Refinery won 3rd place in watercolor and it also SOLD that night.  I was happy to get these two paintings into the show, but the award and sale were icing on the cake.
Special thanks to the judge, sponsors, committee and  collectors. The show runs till Oct. 24.

Friday, August 20, 2021

End of the Path 30/30

9" x 12"

Yes, this is the end of the path.  I have decided to post 2 paintings today.  These last 30 paintings were from a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  These were done back in April. That shows you how far I am behind on posting on my blog.  I guess I am just busy painting.

What will I post next time.....come back and see./

Up the Road

 9" x 12"

It's summer now....and I hate to see it go. but I know fall is right around the corner and it will be time to get out a different set of colors for my palette for fall paintings.   Hopefully, we will have a colorful fall this year...or I will just have to use my artistic license and paint the colors that I want.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2021

My Yellow Tulips 28/30

9" x 12"

Last fall I decided to plant a bunch of tulip bulbs in the late fall.  I was hoping this would brighten my days in the spring this year.  Little did I know...everyone thought the same thing.   I could not find any tulips.  I did find the last they had at Menards//.... only yellow ones and no bag was the same.  I think maybe only 3 bags were left.

I planted them and they were really pretty this Spring.  Tulips are not expensive so I would advise you to plant a few so you will be surprised in the spring.  I will be purchasing more this fall....but very early.

Have a great weekend. 

It's Flower Time 27/30

9" sx 12"

Today's painting shows a variety of flowers that were in a bouquet.  Nope, these are not from my garden...those will be coming soon.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Refinery 26/30

 14" x 21"

This is a typical scene that I can see near by.  I am not too far from Lake Michigan and we have so many mills and other types of industries.

This is one of two paintings that I had gotten accepted into the 97th Hoosier Art Salon Annual Juried Exhibition.  The show is at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana.  It opens August 19 at the awards presentation.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Grape Hyacinth 25/30

 9" x 12"

These are some of the first flowers to pop their little heads up from a winter's sleep.  My mother-in-law gave me these years ago and I am happy when I see them appear each year.  Wish I had more.  I don't recall seeing them at the nurseries to purchase.  They looked great with my yellow tulips this year. They do not last very need to last longer...they get expensive when you purchase a lot of them.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bleeding Hearts 24/30

9" x 12"

These are a favorite that grow in my garden.  I think I planted these when we first moved into this house 33 years ago.  Back then I didn't know what they were or that they would become so big and come back each year.  They have been a joy to watch them grow.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

White Lilies 23/30

 9" x 12"

 I love summer and all the beauties of it's flowers.  It was a glorious day and I spent a lot of it weeding and cutting back my flowers.  Things in the gardens still look good.
Enjoy the rest of the summer....

Friday, July 30, 2021

Summer Bouquet 22/30

 9" x 12"

 It's hard to believe that summer is flying by and the gardens are beginning to change.  I hate when that will be fun to start decorating for fall.  

My mum plants are beginning to get little buds on them..  Need to find some pumpkins and a scarecrow.  I know this sounds early for this...but if you don't buy that stuff now...when you are going to want it you will not be able to find it. is time to start buying back to school supplies...  yay.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Notre Dame 21/30

 9" x 12"

During the pandemic things were a bit slow so we decided to take a ride to the east side of the state to visit at Notre Dame.  it was very quiet since it was either a break, lockdown or zoom classes.  We did see some students.  it is such a lovely campus and the trees are plentiful and so pretty.  I will make sure to go back in the fall.  Note to self....make sure there is no football game when I go.

Magnolia 20/30

 9" x 12"

 I can't believe how far behind I am in posting these 30 in 30 days watercolors.  I did this challenge way back in April.  I have painted so much since then and I have also entered some shows and was very happy to get into them.  That called for a few trips to Indianapolis which is almost 3 hours away.  I am at the top of the state of Indiana...I am about 35 miles south of Chicago.  I should be entering Chicago shows.  Also had Park Full of Art which has been going on for 46 years...I have been in every one.  I am the only person to have done this.

Currently I have been working on a sketchbook of watercolors of flowers from my garden.  That has been fun and the book is looking really neat.  I will be posting those painting after I get done with these 30/30 paintings.

Enjoy the rest of is going by so fast.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Shops in the Woods 19/30

11" xc 14"

Happy summer.  I hope everyone is having a fund and enjoyable summer.  I just can't believe how fast it is flying by.  School supplies are out.

These are still paintings from  my 30 day challenge that I did in April.  Sorry for the delay.  There were a lot of shows going on and prep for them.   I'm back to doing workshops at our local frame and art supply store.  That is going really well.  In fact, I will be doing the demo prep for that.  Giving a demo and hands on workshop for a local art league this coming Monday.  Have to do my samples for that today.  

There's never a dull moment at my studio,   Happy painting or whatever you have planned for today.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Afternoon Walk 18/30

10" x 14"

This is a local scene early in the spring.  I can't believe that it is already July.  Where is time going..  Hope you are all doing well and had a great 4th of July weekend.  Now to wind down from the celebrating and get back to work.

I just received an email saying that I was accepted into the 97th Annual Hoosier Salon Show.  This is a big show held in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana.  Currently, I am in the Indiana Watercolor Society's Annual Juried Exhibit.  Looks like I will be heading down to Indy a lot.  Indiana wants me.  lol

Have a great week and may it become a creative week for all of you.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Dusk 17/30

 10" x 14"

 Happy 4th of July.  Hope you are celebrating our freedoms that were fought for   us.  We are so blest.

 I have been so busy in my garden.  It took a while to plant all of my flowers.  It   takes time to care for them...weeding and watering them.  But they are looking   so good and I have been able to do some painting of this years flowers   already.  Once  I  post all of these 30 day challenge paintings I will post the   flowers.

 Hope you are enjoying your summer.  Stay cool, stay well and safe.


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Goping Out to Paint 16/30

 12" x 9"

 Time to get out and do some plein air painting.  So get your painting buddy
 and your supplies and head out into nature...head out into your garden...Take 
 your studio outside.   Happy Painting.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Violets 15/30

9" x 12"

Another from the monthly (30 day)  challenge... This particular painting I will be teaching a watercolor workshop tonight at Hoosier Highlander in Highland , Indiana.  We will all be painting the same painting and I will show them step by step how to achieve this.  They hit  last month's painting workshop out of the part.  I was so impressed.  We will definitely have fun.

Next month we will be painting a landscape of a farm I guess you can call it a farm scape..  Sign up early since space is limited.

Have a great weekend.

Barn at Sunset 14/30

 9" x 12"

Here is day 14 of the 30 day challenge that I took.  either is is a bad photo or I am having a really bad eye day.  It's Friday.  Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Tucked in the Woods 13/30

10" x 14"

I'm still in the back woods of my in-laws homestead.  Love this place...

Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Red Barn 12/30

 10" x 14"

 At the beginning of spring, I captured this barn with my camera.  I like how
 the sun was hitting the front side of the barn....Paint Local.

All the Ducks in a Row 11/30

 9" x 12"

 Still painting at my brother in law and sister in law's back yard?  Woods.  This   was a fun day painting with the kids and visiting.  Hope they come back to 
 Indiana soon.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Out in the Woods 10/30

 9" x 12"

When your nieces and nephews come home to Indiana from New York to visit, you make sure to go to their parents house (brother and sister in law) and you spend the day with them.  I had to bring gifts of art supplies for the littles, and I made sure I brought paint for those that wanted to paint.    Pat and Liz have some nice woods in their back yard.  We all had fun.  Hope they come back soon. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Daffodils 9/30

 9" x 12"

Welcome Spring...these are the flowers that welcome spring into our gardens.  Were they in your garden?

Been planting my gardens.  Usually this is a 2 week project.  I was hoping to get this all done for Memorial Day, but it has been really cold here (and rainy) in Indiana.  The sun came out today and I was able to go out to a local green house and get another car load of flowers.  We won't say how many car loads I already picked up.  lol

Remember those who fought for our country and those that continue to do so.  Have a safe and enjoyable weekend with those you love.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Early Spring Day in Chicago... 7/30

14"  x  21"

It was such a lovely spring day in Chicago when I took this photo reference.  It was so nice to see people out and about again.   Chicago is such a lovely city,.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Crossing Over the Bridge 8/30

 14" x 21"

I enjoy visiting Chicago and taking photos...And I always have to stop at my favorite pen shop...Atlas Stationers.  I have never walked out of there emptied handed.  lol

Friday, May 21, 2021

Sun Star / Star of Bethleham 6/30

 12" x 9"
 While checking out one of my local garden centers I came across this plant.  I  am  not familiar with it.  I would have bought it, but it was early in the season and too early in the season to plant.  I always wait till May 15.

Talking about planting....that's what I have to do right now.  Gardening tip...Flower side up.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pansy 5/30

 12" x 9"

Pansies are the first flowers that I purchase each year.  They are available around Easter and are a very hardy plant.  I have even had snow fall on them.  But, to me, they are a sign that spring is just around the corner....

Thursday, May 13, 2021


 9" x 12"

 Yes...the weather is getting warmer.  It's almost Friday and the forecast looks   great for the next few days...time to start planting.  Can't wait.   But then, I am   committed to them for the next 4 -5 months for tender loving care.  Lots of   watering and feeding.  But they in turn, they will bless me with beautiful   flowers.   Hopefully I will be geting some exciting floral paintings.  Watch for them grow.  Stay well.  Stay strong.

Monday, May 10, 2021


 9" x 12"

It's almost getting warm enough to start planting my 2021 gardens. Maybe in a week I can begin.  I have seen the perennials popping up in the ground.  The clematis is beginning to wrap onto my latticework on my gazebo....once I start planting, it will take about 2 weeks to complete.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can complete this task by memorial day....or there abouts.
Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunflowers 2/30

 9" x 12"

 Here is the second painting that I did for the 30 days challenge...I do love flowers.  Spent the day today outside cleaning out the gardens.  Too early to plant here in Indiana,  but it was a beautiful day to garden and cut the grass.  Now to make me a well deserved banana split.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Just a Farm in Indiana

 6-1/2" x 14-1/2"

I am so far behind on posting on my blog....there are just not enough hours in each day.  But for the last 30 days, I did a 30 day, 30 painting challenge.  I will post the 30 paintings that I completed during this time.  It was a great April for painting.

Enjoy.  Stay Strong!  Stay Well!