Monday, January 3, 2022


watercolor- gouache
still life
7" x 10"

After my fall in the fall when I broke my nose and arm I have really gotten behind on blogging.  Having my arm in an air cast for 8 weeks and now going through physical therapy sure keeps me busy.  I DID complete a sketchbook on barns and then did 37 gouache watercolors of these barns.  They were fun to do and I will be doing more of them.

This painting is the last one in the book.

I did start painting for this year and I am currently working on a new series of Chicago.  Today was a perfect cold winter day to go out and take photos.  There were great shapes and shadows...I took a lot of photos.  I have subject matter to keep me busy all winter.  Hope you come back to look for them.

May you all have a great new year filled with many blessings.  

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