Sunday, January 30, 2022

Winter in Chicago IV

 10" x 14"

I have a mini series going on of Chicago in the winter.  Then we had a bunch of snow and I had to go out and take photos.  Well...then I had to paint snow scenes.  I am behind on posting my new pieces.

I just spent four days in a watercolor workshop...It started at 9 am and ended about 7 pm.  It was called WATERCOLOR LIVE.  This is the second year that they held this on line event.  It was so awesome with so many great artists.  The demos were fantastic.  I took lots of notes and learned some new things, too.
Lots of work...but it was worth it.  I already signed up for next year's event.

Today I am catching up on the business end of art....I'd rather be painting.

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