Sunday, April 26, 2009


watercolor 13 x 19

This was the demo that I did yesterday in a workshop that I gave at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, IN. We all had a lot of fun and it is always amazing how each painting is so different.
They were white hydrangea, so I showed them that even though they were white, they could have alot of color in them. I also gave them some color combinations for pink, blue or purple ones. Some of the students tried these combinations, so they were all different. I had a great class of artists!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back to Class

watercolor 12 x 17

With great sadness I must tell you that my mom left this life to move unto the next on Friday, April 17 @ 11:15 pm. This past week was a really hard one for her and our whole family. Yesterday was her funeral. The wake and funeral were both lovely and I want to thank all who attended, sent prayers, cards and wishes. Thanks for all of the gorgeous flowers that were sent.
In fact, there were so many beautiful flowers so I took photos of them.
This is a demo that I did today for my afternoon class. There will be lots of flowers to come, so keep watching if you like flowers!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Warmth of Winter


It's time to start entering the art shows. I am going to enter this one into a show in Michigan. Did another tulip painting today.
Things are getting a bit stressful here with my mom. Now she will not even eat or drink. It is so sad.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

watercolor 18" x 24"

Just thought I would hop to it and wish everyone a Happy Easter! Been cooking, baking and cleaning all day. I have plenty of food made, feel free to stop by...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Tulips

watercolor 13" x 14"

I wanted to do a smaller painting of tulips so that I can have greeting cards printed up. This way I can add them to my card collection. It's time to have more cards printed for the galleries and for the art fairs coming up.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just Riding Along

watercolor 22" x 30"

Bet you thought this was me on a bike! Sometimes you are asked to paint things you never dreamed of painting. But, since this was a commission and we can always use more paint, I thought I would try it. I hope my client doesn't realizes that this bike would not even start, let alone ride. I hope it is what he wants. It was kinda fun to paint and it is a full sheet of watercolor paper. He liked the last two paintings that I did for him. Next I will have to frame it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lily of the Valley

watercolor 11" x 7"

This was a little demo that I did for my students. I didn't use any maskit so I had to paint fast. Now they will be doing a paint off with this same subject.
I got my tulip paintings all framed and hanging in my kitchen. I am happy with how they add color to it. How blest we are to be artists and to create beautiful things for our homes and for others...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In the Beginning Was a Bulb

watercolor 6" x 18"

I still needed another painting for my kitchen so I decided to do this demo for my class this afternoon. I hope this is almost botanically correct. I made it up from my memory of planting tulips last year.