Wednesday, July 22, 2009

After the Art Fair


Well the show was this past weekend. It was the best weather that we have had for that show thus far. Everything was great about it. I won 3rd place in wc and then they recognized the 5 of us who have been in this show for all of the 35 years that it was in existence. My sales were my best. I did a big painting of what you see here and then I went and had painted 50 little 8x10 framed wc. Lots of those you have seen on previous posts. I made prints and cards of this painting and those were selling too. Everything was great until....
I had this really bad tooth ache. It turned out that yesterday I had a root cannel and it was infected and abscessed. Man, and everything was going so great. lol
I will be getting back to the drawing board soon.....


  1. Are you okay for Friday's workshop? You sure don't need that if you are feeling bad.

  2. I am fine :) I am a litte sore. I am making my shopping list for the lunch that I am planning for the students.
