Monday, July 27, 2009

What is it??

watercolor 12" x 12"

I went to the local fruit, flower, & vegetables stand and I found this plant. I did not know what it was. When I found it, it was a stalk with what looked like coffee beans growing out of the top. I took a smell of it and that wasn't pleasant. I asked the cashier what was the name of this plant and asked for more info on it. She said it was a POPCORN plant and that it would bloom into this yellow flower and it would smell like popcorn.
Well, I planted it and then forgot all about it and then was in bloom. So here it is. Maybe you know the name of the plant. The leaves are a bright green. It is a very different plant. I never saw one like it? Yes, it does smell like popcorn.


  1. gr8 work with colors and shades..Even, I also don't know its name. Well, You did a fantastic job!

  2. Thanks Megha. How did your tests go? Bet you are glad they are over. About this flower, I wonder if it will come back next year. Glad no animals ate the "popcorn" plant. lol
