Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mini Leaves I

watercolor 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 with mat and frame $100

It is fall here in Indiana and that means all of the leaves will be falling. Now that will be a lot of work for a couple months of racking and picking up the leaves from all of the trees that we have around here. But this is one of my favorite subjects to paint. You will be seeing more leaf paintings soon. One of my classes will be painting them as a subject matter.

Happy Fall, you all!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Buckingham Fountain-Chicago, Illinois

watercolor 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 matted and framed to 8 x 10 - $100

This is Buckingham Fountain in Chicago, Illinois. It is a neat place to visit during the spring, summer and fall. Many people get married or take their wedding photos here. And, they do turn off the fountain in the winter.
You can find people from all over the world visiting this area in Chicago and most of them are all taking photos. It is about 45 minutes from where I live.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Golden Leaves

watercolor 3 x 5/matted with gold frame $100

This is another miniature that I might enter into the art exhibit at our fundraiser.
Did you know that to be considered a miniature that the art can not be bigger that 5 x 7 and the outside of the frame can not be bigger than 8 x 10. If it is a little bigger, it is considered a small works. I didn't know that!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

watercolor 4-1/2 x 2-1/2 /matted with black frame $100

The Fundraiser Gala that we are having Oct. 17 for the art center will also have a miniature art show. The paintings can be no larger than 5 x 7 and the outside of the frame can not be bigger than 8 x 10. All these framed painting will $100. I painted a few for this show.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Art After Dark

This is the invite that I designed for the big fundraiser that the Chesterton Gallery is having on Oct. 17. It is a big gala--dinner/dance/silent auction/and a miniature art show. This will be an exciting night so if you want to attend and get more information, e-mail me.
You will be seeing my little paintings that I just completed for the miniature show in the next few days. They are small.

Painting on Location

watercolor 6x 8

This was another demo that I did for one of my classes. It is a small watercolor done on Hot Press #140 paper. It is very easy to lift the paint off of this paper. In fact, sometimes toooo easy. I lifted out the birdbath. The chair was negatively painted (in a positive way). I didn't use any masking fluid to keep the white of the chair. What is white is actually the white of the paper. I painted all around the openings of the chair.
I finished framing those little miniature paintings today and boy do I hate trying to cut glass. I will be showing these little paintings in the days to come. Keep watching.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


watercolor 11 x 7

Another demo for one of my other classes. They are doing flowers.... These were supposed to be hydrangea, but they look more like lilacs....I will have to do another hydrangea later. Right now I am working on some miniature paintings for a fundraiser that our local art center is having in October.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Giving a Hoot

11 x 7 watercolor

My classes resumed so I was doing demos for the classes. This class wanted to do birds so I thought I would do an owl since we all give a hoot about watercolor.
Spent the last few days putting up the Halloween and Fall decorations. I do have a lot "stuff" that I have accumulated over the years. And, I do love to decorate.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pumpkins: Sitting in the Window

watercolor 5 x 8

Thought I would do another pumpkin painting. This is a small one and it is on hot press paper. It is a challenge to work on because the paint wants to lift. I used a limited palette for this painting because I wanted to capture that earthy feeling and achieve the warmth.

Sold 3 of my 8 x 10 framed pieces today!! That makes one excited to paint.
Two classes tomorrow with demos in both of them. Stay tuned...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pumpkins at the ART tour

watercolor 11 x 17

Yesterday was ART tour in Chesterton Indiana. Various establishments in town hosted artists where they were able to exhibit their work. Some of us even demonstrated our talents.
I gave this watercolor demonstration at the Chesterton Art Gallery. I did it in 35 minutes. That is pretty quick.
It is always neat to see new and old faces coming to see you work. Special Thanks to all of you who were there.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Old News, New News

watercolor 5 x 7

Thought I would do a little figure study of a photo that I took at a local restaurant. I added the newspaper for old news and then I added a laptop for the new news. He was actually looking at a menu, I think.
Classes resume tomorrow so I was busy getting the studio back in order. Now to get back on schedule with classes, meetings and workshops. I am doing a demo this Saturday at ART Tour in Chesterton. Maybe I will see you there.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Summer's Over

watercolor 18 x 24

I do not know where this past summer has vanished to, but the hydrangea are still blooming and some of them are beginning to turn green and pink. Maybe I will be doing a painting of those next. There are so many things I want to paint. I was gong through all of my "want to paint references" tonight. My classes begin Sept. 9th ...let's see, what should we begin working on. Some of the students want to do some figures...maybe we should start with a color chart of flesh tones.
Have a great Labor Day Weekend. Don't labor too much. Great day to clean up your studio.