Well, we definitely had a white Christmas here in Indiana. If you need snow, let me know and I will be happy to send you some. My decorations will stay up till Jan. 6. Two of the family parties that we hosted are over and there is just one more party to host. That is my party for my students. It is this Saturday and there is a watercolor competition that I hold for them with ribbons and prizes. Yes, there will be lots of food and I still have cookies.
This little watercolor looks like it can be a card, but this is actually a painting that I completed from the sketch that I posted a few entries ago...I took my artistic license and changed a few things...like the season!!
I am glad that I can now get back to painting. I miss it when I can not create in some form. My paints were all dried up because the lid to my palette opened some how. I like to paint with my watercolors really creamy. Here's to the ending of a year that needs to more on and make room for the next!!
Nice paintings throughout the year and hope to see more next year. Have a colorful year ahead
Hello Ajay, Thank you so much. I love what I do so I am truely blest to be able to paint and to teach others how I do it. I will be painting more and more...Keep watching :)
Hi Kathy, I couldn´t answer your so kind comment to my snowed landscape, diabolic something is happening to my blog, but sincerely your watercolor it is much better than my painting and I like a lot the reflections in the water.
Julian, I was having problems posting to your blog. I had to have it translated first and then I had to write it twice. I wish I knew spanish. lol Glad you liked my painting.
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