Thursday, July 29, 2010

Heavy Metal Tonight - Chicago Bandshell

Here is a watercolor painting I just completed and I thought I would show you my step by step procedure. Enjoy.

In the beginning...there was the first wash. Then I said... this is good.

The block in of the Bandshell. Using lots of cobalt, cerulean blue and some alizarin crimson to make my violets.

Blocking in the big trees. Mixing blues and olive green with my violet. I want to repeat the color.

And now people are walking to the concert.

The finished painting. Can you hear the music? I think it is heavy metal...what do you think?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Down the Road


This is a painting that was recently accepted into a local exhibit. I am happy to announce that it SOLD!! yeah!! This painting has a lot of negative painting. No opaque paint or misket was used. The whites are the whites of the paper. I just painted around them. Hope this painting cools you off.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Art in the Park...not good.

The Art Student 12 x 12

Park Full of Art...Disaster! It was 95 degrees both days and was really humid. So that makes for less people attending. And that makes for poor sales. Then on Sunday a big storm blew through. Even with my tent all zipper up with 6 people in it, we all got wet and so did the paintings. I will have to reframe 5 of them. Four of which were my new ones. Fortunately, the 70 MPH winds that were 5 miles away did not reach us. I can not imagine what would have happened if that came through this park. It ripped up trees in the neighboring town. So if I look at it that way, it was a good show. lol.

Here's a photo of my booth. There are paintings on the sides and on the back too that I did not take photos of.

The "Art Student" this is where I teach some watercolor classes. So I just wanted to have a little fun and make up this little cartoonish type painting.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Park Full of Art

watercolor 16 x 28 art/28 x 40 frame

36th Park Full of Art -- July 17 & 18
Griffith Central Park
Griffith, Indiana
10 am til 5 pm
Free Admission

Come and see my new paintings and those of 100 other artists.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rocks, Water and Trees

watercolor 4-1/2 x 14 art 8-1/2 x 18 matted -- framed

This is another horizontal format. But, it is no where near the size of the two previous paintings.
I was framing it when I broke the glass...also broke the waterheater last night. Now to cut another piece of glass. I hate cutting glass. Maybe I should just take a nap.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More Snow in July II


I liked that last frame that I purchased and the long horizontal format that I thought I would do another to match it. I am getting ready for the local show in the Park, July 17 & 18.

Stay cool and enjoy!