Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Down the Road


This is a painting that was recently accepted into a local exhibit. I am happy to announce that it SOLD!! yeah!! This painting has a lot of negative painting. No opaque paint or misket was used. The whites are the whites of the paper. I just painted around them. Hope this painting cools you off.


  1. I'm glad you've sold this painting. It's a great work and harder to paint than other ones. You feel happier than the last time. Me too.

  2. Hi Julian, It is always great to sell a painting. Now aren't I supposed to take you to lunch when I sell one? MPDR Let me know when you are coming and I will bake you a cake too. This is alot better than that outdoor show.

  3. Oh this is great.. Both the painting and the fact that it got sold. I can see that you really worked hard on this.

  4. Congratulations!!! That is indeed a beautiful painting -- a watercolor gem :)

  5. @ Prabal...YES it sold!! more paper. And that always puts a feather in one's hat.

    @meera...Thanks Meera. A gem, huh? Well we like bling!! LOL
