Thursday, July 29, 2010

Heavy Metal Tonight - Chicago Bandshell

Here is a watercolor painting I just completed and I thought I would show you my step by step procedure. Enjoy.

In the beginning...there was the first wash. Then I said... this is good.

The block in of the Bandshell. Using lots of cobalt, cerulean blue and some alizarin crimson to make my violets.

Blocking in the big trees. Mixing blues and olive green with my violet. I want to repeat the color.

And now people are walking to the concert.

The finished painting. Can you hear the music? I think it is heavy metal...what do you think?


  1. love seeing this kathy - the process shots are fantastic and the final painting - home run!! yep; could be heavy metal....or even sigur ros :))

  2. That is too funny Tom, I was going to write Sigur Ros. lol That is what I was listening to when I painted it until I got to the end. Then I had to put on Leonard Cohn.

  3. I always love to see the process.. And thanks for sharing this.. I went for my favorite band Indian Ocean's concert here at Hard Rock cafe. That is still ringing in my ears. :)

  4. We have a hard rock cafe here in Chicago. Did you have fun. My ears are still ringing from painting this. lol

  5. I can't hear the music, but can see your great watercolor, sorry I don't have enough money to buy it. MPDR. really I like it, its color and its shapes.

  6. Hi Julian, Maybe I should ask the band to play louder so you can hear it in Spain? MPDR Any song requests :) I am glad that you like it. I will leave it for you in my will. MPDR

  7. Lovely painting -- I really enjoy Chicago once a year when we come there for a conference --and you have really captured the scene :) --painted masterfully. Just curious - what size is the painting?

  8. Hi Meera...don't you just love coming to the "City" as we call it. We also call it "Chi-town" Every season is so different and so special. The new millinium park where this can be found is so exciting. This bandshell is so big. So I had to make the painting a full 22 x 30 size. I am glad you enjoyed it.
