Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fall Shadows

watercolor 14 x 21

Another for my fall show. If the leaves begin to fall...don't blame me.


  1. Your colors are as usual, so nice and bright.

  2. Thanks colors are Holbein watercolors. Can you get there where you live??? Where do you live. LOL.

    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

  3. Thank you for sharing
    This fabulous work with us
    See you

  4. Thanks Skizo...I am glad you like it and that you took the time to say so. Have a great weekend. I will be posting a new one soon. Do come back :)

  5. Hi Kathy, I love red colors as you know, and this painting it's not a exception. I like it, and I'll wait for more like this one.

  6. Hi Julian. My photo that I took was in the spring so it was all in greens. But I knew that you liked red so I used red for the leaves. MPDR Yes, more are coming.

  7. Hello Kathy, I find fantastic the atmosphere of this painting. The light is so well perfomed...
    I always learn watching your work, thank you for sharing.

  8. Mercedes...Glad you like the painting and I do hope that you are learning something from the step by step illustrations.

    I went to the eye dr. today and my eyes are dialated...hard seeing to type so I may not be painting...but maybe I should and I will paint looser. lol

    Thanks for visiting my blog.
