Saturday, August 21, 2010


watercolor 14 x 21

Here's another one for the fall show that I am getting ready for. Enjoy...Fall is on it's way.


  1. Hi Kathy,
    These pumpkins are so happy. They don't need smily faces to show their happiness. The theme reminded me that the fall is right behind the corner. I was driving today down the street and noticed that some leaves are falling already.
    Thank you for beautiful painting!

  2. Hi Irina...I live in Indiana (USA) and the leaves in my back yard are really falling. I hate the change of seasons. But I do like when I get the fall decorations out and I change flowers in the gardens. I am getting ready to change paintings at the restaurant where I hang my work. I change them seasonally.
    I am happy that you like the painting and when I see pumpkins this fall season, I will think of your kind remarks and I will see the pumpkins smiling back at me.

    Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Love the way the light is hitting the pumpkins...very colorful and well done. This painting just reminds me that the summer is passing by so fast and the fall is right behind! too fast!.

  4. hmuxo...I know...where did summer go? I spent the evening working in my front yard gardens pulling out some of the old summer flowers. As I was doing it, then I thought of getting those fall mums and corn husks. I hate the change of seasons...but once it is decorated for fall, then I feel better.
    Thanks so much for your gracious comments and Thanks for stopping by.
