Thursday, August 5, 2010

Walk...Don't Walk -- Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

This is another in my Chicago series. I was driving down town (I do not know why we call it down town when we are south of Chicago) and I was taking some photos of people walking across the street. Not really thinking and all of a sudden I had seen a group of people on Segways. It was so strange and funny....only in Chicago. I guess there are tours that you can take on these things. Now this is the way to get around in the big city.
You never know what to expect when you are down town.


  1. very kinetic!! an extremely alive painting kathy - well done!

  2. Kathy,
    I have come to know so many things about Chicago from your paintings. This is another good one. The other day I was watching a dance film which was shot in Chicago. I could spot the bean, the park where people walk on water. Keep painting Chicago..

  3. @ Tom...Thanks so much :) ...but it was a hard one to do. I wanted them looser but yet they were in focus. I liked the subject matter but not sure yet...who knows, one day I may do it again.

    @ PrabAl...Thanks. You know the conversation we had on your blog about not being happy with a painting...this was one that I was having trouble with. The subject isn't one that I am comfortable with. So my friend, I, too, need to work on it.
    What dance film were you watching? You would love the city. I will continue with this series. I would like to have a show of Chgo...But I think I might do a landscape next. lol. Keep on painitng.

  4. Yesterday a Segways passed close to me, here in Galicia, I'm your visitor from Pontevedra, Galicia. This is a very original watercolor, it doesn't look like to a snowed landscape. MPDR.

  5. Those segways look really cool! Must have been an enjoyable tour for these Nice painting, Kathy!

  6. @ Jullian....that was me that passed you by. I thought you looked familiar. If it were a snow landscape, then those segways would have to have snow tires on them. MPDR

    @ was really funny seeing the segways. They looked like martians. I thought the subject matter would be a little different. I would probably fall off of one of those things.

  7. Hi Kathy, I am your new follower of your blog and I already see that you catch the same interesting things that I observe. Just last weekend I saw similar group of "lazy cyclists" in San Francisco. They looked so funny and so like zombies. You caught a very good New Age tourists geeks on your camera and you did such a good job on brining them to the paper. Thank you, Irina Sztukowski

  8. Irian, Welcome to my blog. I hope you get a chance to come by often.
    Are you a watercolorist?
    Aren't these the wierdest things to see. You are right, they look like Zombies. It was so strange seeing them, but what a neat way to travel. I wonder if they are hard to stay on...I just might have to check into it....
