Monday, August 2, 2010

Art After Dark--Chicago Art Institute

watercolor 14 x 21

This is a painting of a photo that I had taken last week while driving through the city that I thought might make a good painting... I loved how the light was shining through the windows of the Art Institute.

This is on 300# Lana wc paper. I first applied colors for my basic wash.

Then I started to block it in with adding some of my middle darks.

I try to establish my darkest dark as soon as possible so that I can key everything to it.

Now I am establishing more of my darks by adding the foreground trees.

Finally there is the calligraphy of the painting where I add all of the little line work, such as the flag poles, any line work, tree branches, etc.



  1. Kathy, this is really beautiful! I like your step by step demo of the painting. Did Tim take those?lol

  2. Hi Ramesh. Glad you like the painting...why do you think Tim took the photos? I took them and sized them and posted them. Now that is probably more amazing then me doing the painting. lol
    I appreciate your comment on face book, too.

  3. Kathy,
    The first thing that I also noticed was the light shining through the windows. That means what attracted you to the scene has come out nicely. And I liked the demo too. :)

  4. Hi Prabal, It was an awesome scene when I saw it and I tried to capture it. Glad you like the demo. It was good seeing you again. Haven't talked to you in a while.

  5. Dear Kathy,
    Thank you for sharing the wonderful demonstration and the lovely result. Keep up your great work.
    Kind regards,

  6. I feel the cool summer evening and flickering lights with the branches of the trees moving slowly from the slight breeze. You woke up my imagination Kathy. Thank you, Irina

  7. This is stunning, there's so much atmosphere! And the process is fascinating, thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to following your blog!

  8. Hello Sadami,Irina, and Caroline...I just got back from a decorative arts convention where I was teaching. It was alot of fun and alot of work..and it was a week away from my own studio.
    I want to thank you all for the wonderful comments you left on this painting. Glad it motivated you. After being out of the studio ... I can't wait to go back and PAINT!!!!! I bought some new brushes at the convention...hehehe.

  9. I love paintings in progress. Watercolor..the tricky medium...and you make it look so easy. Beautiful painting!

  10. hmuxo...thanks for taking the time to check out my blog and for leaving a comment. I do like to do the step-by-step paintings. I do it in the hopes that someone out there might learn a thing or two. Did you?
    Come back soon!!
