Thursday, September 30, 2010

"The Bowman" - Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

This is one of the fine statues that we have in Chicago. There are two like this. This one is the Bowman and then the other one is the Spearman. It looks like they have weapons, but they do not. One story says that they do not have the weapons because it represents the hard times that the American Indians had to go through. Another story says it is because it symbolizes peace.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Picasso's Kids-Chicago

watercolor 21 x 14

What is it?? While I was in Chicago a few weeks ago taking photos for future paintings, I stopped at Daley Center (named after Richard J. Daley former mayor). The 50 foot sculpture was first a small 13" sculpture that they commissioned Picasso to do. He did not accept a commission for this art work. The finished piece was created at U.S. Steel in Gary, Indiana. It is made out of a patented steel called Cot-ten Steel. A steel that would rust gracefully and would never have to be painted.
Some say it is Picasso's dog, or his wife, or a wolf. When seen from the northeast angle, you can see the silhouette of Richard Daley's head. The building behind is made out of the same Cor-Ten Steel. There are lots of festivities held at the Daley Center, including the big Christmas Tree and little outdoor shops at Christmas time. During sports events, a team hat has been placed on the head of this piece.
It was really interesting to see all these little children trying to climb the sculpture. That is why I titled this painting, "Picasso's Kids"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pumpkin Pie

watercolor 14 x 14

Ok, there is one piece of pumpkin pie left. Who will be the first to grab it, gets it. No fighting now!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cherry Pie

watercolor 14 x 14

Hungry anyone? How about a piece of cherry pie. Again I left out all of the calories.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blueberry Pie

watercolor 14 x 14

It is 8:15 in the am so I guess this would be good for breakfast. I would send you some...but it is all gone. This one has no calories. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lemon Meringue

watercolor 14 x 14

Did someone say they wanted a piece of the pie? How does Lemon Meringue sound. This one is guaranteed NOT to have any calories so you might as well have two.
I wanted to use complementary colors on this one.
Stay hungry!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today's Glass Demo @ the Chesterton Art Center -- Chesterton, Indiana

watercolor 15 x 10-1/2

Today I held a workshop on how to paint glass at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana. I tried to make it as simple as possible and I still wanted it to look like a watercolor and not a photograph. The whole class did really well and they were surprised that they could do that whole background in one wash. They all completed their paintings so everyone went home happy.

Even though the day began with it raining, by lunch the rain let up and we were all able to walk over to the European Market. I bought myself two beautiful bouquets of flowers that I might do paintings of. I also took a bunch of other photos. A few of us hit the antique shop after class. It was a great day.
Now I am going to the studio to either paint or frame. An artist's work in never done!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

In the Village

watercolor 14 x 21

While we were in Columbus, Ohio last month, we went to this German Village and I took a bunch of photos. I liked the complementary colors of the greens and the red buildings. I painted the building a brighter red than it was to create more interest and to make it pop. Enjoy!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall Harvest

watercolor 14 x 21

Another one for my fall show at the restaurant. Well my classes resume for the fall semester on Wednesday. I sure had a lot of fun this summer just painting away. Now my painting time will be limited. If you are interested in my classes or workshops, contact me.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fall Reflections

watercolor 14 x 21

Still working for my upcoming show, I thought I would take one of my photos that I took last fall. I decided to turn it upside down to create reflections in the water. I think it worked.