Monday, February 28, 2011

"Winter's A Glowing" Step-by-step

watercolor 14 x 21

Here is a painting that I recently completed and as I painted it I took photos of each step. This way you will see my process. I hope you enjoy it. I think each photo speaks for itself so I did not add any text for each photo. If you have any questions, fire away. I tried to keep the photos looking the same from frame to frame...but I am a painter not a photographer.
Enjoy and Happy Painting!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To Zippo or Not to Zippo

watercolor 6 x 7 $50 watercolor

I took the Daily Paintworks challenge. They have been fun to do...This is the 4th challenge that they have presented.

Well, back to painting snow....I will have a ball doing that...a snowball.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter's Lace

watercolor 14 x 21

I wanted to capture the lacy look that I thought the trees created. This photo that I worked with was from our trip out shooting (clicking) last Sunday. Glad we went last week. That 20" of snow is all has rained all day today. Come on spring...
More snow scenes to come.....

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine Flowers

watercolor 14 x 21

My dear hubby brought home this beautiful bouquet of flowers in a red vase for me for Valentine's Day. It had lilies, carnations, and roses. It also had a heart necklace wrapped around it. When he gave it to me, he said...."Now you can paint the red rose." Is he sweet or what. And, today is his's a big one.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow Dunes Demo

watercolor 14 x 21

I was asked to substitute at the South Shore Art Center in Munster,Indiana for a watercolor class. The class turned out to be a great group to work with. The students were eager to learn. This is the demo that I did for the class. Enjoy...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

watercolor 6" x 8"

Happy Valentine's Day ! Enjoy your loved ones!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Simply Radishing

14 x 21 watercolor

This is the fourth in my cherry series. They have been a lot of fun to do. People are still asking how do I paint the backgrounds. No, it is not acrylic or black gesso. It is Holbein transparent watercolor. They have been a challenge to do and as artists, we need to constantly challenge ourselves.

I had a workshop in my studio today and it was fun getting together with all of my students. Regular classes will begin March 2. Hope to see you then.....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Do You Car-rot All? Top 50 watercolor blogs!!

watercolor 14 x 21

Here is the third painting in my cherry series. Tonight my husband and I were at the grocery store and I was getting veggies for a big salad that I want to make for some friends that I am having over on Friday. My dear hubby laughed when he saw all that I was purchasing...he thought it was for another still life....Great idea!!

Come back for more salad.....

I was just informed by Lisa Clark that I made it in the top 50 watercolor artist blogs. Check out this extensive list of blogs on watercolor. Great inspiration and I am honored!! Also check out some of the other articles that she has on her blog about health care. Bookmark it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Dune's Thaw"

watercolor 14 x 21

I am thinking ahead to spring....especially after the 20" of snow that we recently had. It even snowed again last night.
This is what I will be doing for my March workshop at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana. I am trying to prepare myself for my future workshops. I have some neat things planned. I am in the process of designing the schedule. There is never a dull moment in the life of an artist :)
Bundle up and stay warm!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard 2011

White it was falling. Snowing and blowing.
You could hardly see anything.

Two days later when the sun came out.

These are two little watercolor paintings that I did of the storm. I was trying to get that "it is snowing look" in the first one. The second one you can see that the sun came out. But...I did not paint enough snow. They say we had 20 " and that this was the 3rd worst storm that we have had. Some of the drifts were many feet tall. Lots of shoveling. The whole city was closed yesterday and many businesses were closed today. All the schools were closed!!

Blizzard 2011 "Get My Drift?"

watercolor 9 x 6

Thought I would do a quick little study of what it looked like last night from my front door. We were really hit with a blizzard here in Griffith, Indiana. I am about 35 minutes from Chicago (on a clear day). This is being called the 3rd worst snow storm that we have had. They reported 20" of fallen snow. We had white out conditions. Everything was closed and we were asked not to leave the house. (except to shovel snow). lol. Hope we will be able to get out tomorrow. It is supposed to be really really cold then. Dress warm.