Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The End of It's Season

watercolor 14 x 21

On the way home from Michigan when a friend and I went to deliver our paintings that were accepted into the exhibit at the Box Factory, I saw these peonies on the side of the road. I asked her to turn the car around so I could photograph them. I think they are some type of peony. The ones that I grow are pink or white. These were really different.

I did get three paintings accepted into the exhibit, and two of them got purchase awards.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


watercolor 14 x 21

I wanted to paint this plein air (outside on location), but since I started it at 9 pm, I didn't want to paint in the dark. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lilies of the Valley

watercolor on watercolor canvas 12 x 12

This is another one of the canvas paintings that I have been working on. They are alot of fun. Later today, June 22, I will be teaching a class on this is my studio. Call if you want to join us.

I think we might do a waterlily today...or maybe a different flower. You will have to come back here to see....Have a great day!!

Monday, June 20, 2011


watercolor 14 x 21

This is the challenge for this week. We were given the photo to work from, but we had to paint it upside down. No, we did not have to stand on our heads to do it. lol.

I thought maybe if I ate some pineapple upside down cake that would count :)) I make a mean cake!! This was really a challenge especially for watercolor. When I started this painting I had a taste for watermelon. When I finished, I don't want to look at one for a while.

Stay cool! Enjoy your summer!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Balancing My Time

watercolor 12 x 16

This was the challenge for this week. We were to do a painting of stacked items...balancing them with design and color. So, (sew) I went into my study and looked at my sewing table. I had some pairs of pants that need hemming. I decided to set up this little still life. I wanted to use the angles of the sewing machine and the grain of the wood to point to the balanced items.

This is like my life...trying to balance everything that I do. Pretty sharp, huh? Like the scissors...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tubular Begonia

watercolor 14 x 21

This is a tubular begonia and I have a few of these pots hanging around my gazebo. This is a great time of year to paint since I do so much gardening and I have lots of subject matter. Keep watching. I just may paint your favorite flower one of these days.

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Waiting to Be Wrapped"

watercolor 14 x 21

This was this past week's challenge. I finally had time to paint it today. The challenge was to paint a gift....Well, I never got time to wrap the gift.

This is a basket that I have set up in my closet with ribbons for wrapping....maybe this gift is for you....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pansy Patterns

watercolor 12 x 12 on canvas

Here is another attempt on that wc canvas. I want to have a few samples for the workshops that I am having next week. The June 15 class is full but there is still room in the second class that I added. It will be the following Wednesday, June 22.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fushia on WC Canvas

watercolor 12 x 12 on watercolor canvas

On June 15 and then on June 22 I will be teaching a workshop using these watercolor canvases. The class is here in the studio from 10 till 3...It will be fun!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

In a Family Way

watercolor 10 x 7

This is this week's challenge. If you look out my front door, this is one of the things that you see. It is a wreath that I have hanging most of the year and I change the flowers with each season. Every spring we get a robin that makes it's nest on top of it. I always wondered if it is the same robin each year or the babies that are making the nest.