Friday, July 29, 2011

more workshop photos/Tom Schaller

One of my dear friends from FB wanted to see more photos from the workshop. The first one is my painting which I completed in the class, the second is Tom adding people to his painting, and the third was an unexpected starving artist/student that just showed up. Can you guess which one is Tom? Enjoy!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Painting with Tom Schaller

Last week I was in Akron, Ohio painting with Tom Schaller from California. We had a blast. I took lots of notes and photos. If you ever get a chance to paint with him, you MUST! He is taking a group of artists for a workshop in Italy next May. Would that be a dream come true or what???

I guarantee you that he will put passion back into your painting!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

watercolor 8 x 10

Since this week's challenge was to paint either to music or to take a song and paint what it suggests, I decided to paint holly. I listen to music from the time I get up till when I go to bed. I thought about so many songs and recording artists that I wanted to do. But I am limited with my time this week so I decided this is what I would do. I am not catching all of the purples and teals in this photo. May have to shoot it again.

Maybe this will cool you off a little. We are having a heat wave here in Indiana.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Park Full of Art


Park Full of Art
July 16 & 17
Griffith Central Park
Griffith, Indiana
Free Admission
Free Parking
Great Art
Me :)

Hope you are free to come and check out this show. It is a lovely shaded park and there will be lots of great art for you to view and purchase. Think now for Christmas.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Get the Lead Out"


The challenge for last week was to paint what you paint with. So...these are some of my supplies. I had to add my sketch book since that is an important tool. I know we don't always sketch as much as we should. But...the more you sketch, the finer you tune your skills. That makes the whole process of painting so much easier.
Enjoy!! and get the lead out.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Up On the Still

watercolor 14 x 21

This is a watercolor that I did Monday night. I was listening to James Taylor in concert and he was singing "up on the roof" so I thought I would borrow a few of the words for this title. lol.

The inspiration for this painting came when I went to a garden walk 2 weeks ago. I did this painting with just one brush...a mop. I only used a small brush to sign my name. It was a lot of fun challenging myself to do this. I will try the one brush challenge again.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pink Lilies

watercolor 14 x 21

These were some of the lilies that I had blooming in my garden. I also have some red and yellow ones growing too. Watch for more flowers to come.

Have a great 4th of July!!