Monday, April 30, 2012


14" x 21"

These are such pretty flowers, but they do not last long.  It is really pretty when the petals fall and they leave a blanket underneath the tree.  This is an early blooming tree which came really early this year.  Enjoy!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Blossoms

 10" x 14"

Spring is in the air and these were the last of the blossoms for this crab apple tree.  I wanted to focus on the detailed flowers and keep the other flowers pushed to the background.  I think it worked.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

West Beach-Indiana National Lakeshore

 watercolor 10" x 14"

Well this is a surprise.  I came to post a new photo only to find the whole format to doing so is totally different.  I hope this will turn out.  Why fix something when it is not broken.  It is hard to teach this old gal new tricks.

This is one of our dune areas.  We are so fortunate to have these dunes along Lake Michigan.  They are forever changing.  Great paradise for any artist.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Sticking My Head Out.

10" x 7"

This is the painting that I did for the Daily Paintworks challenge for this week. We had to do a painting of an animal and make sure that parts of the head go outside of the picture plane. Every week they post a new challenge for us to do. Some are really challenging.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Basket of Marigolds

14" x 21"

At present, I have my students working on flowers. I think we will be working on them for a while since we all seem to like flowers. I went to one of our local floral shops and bought of bunch of silk flowers. These really look real and I am sure they will last longer.

This is a painting that I completed from a basket that one of my students, Joanie, had put together. She actually made the basket. I was showing the students how to set up a little still life and how to use a spot light to create an interesting light effect. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just a Barn

14" x 21

This is a local barn. I loved the why the light for hitting it so I photographed it and here is my painting....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Bleeding Hearts

14" x 21"

Boy did I get so many lovely bleeding hearts on my two bushes this year. This is also the longest season that they have been blooming. It rained today so they may be gone tomorrow. These are one of my favorite flowers. I painted this about a week or so ago...I don't remember if I posted it here yet or not. LOL.

Monday, April 9, 2012


6" x 14"

I decided to start using up all these frames that I am sure that we all have. Maybe they are recycled from other paintings, some we bought at garage sales, and some at our local craft shops. With the art fairs just around the corner...time to get busy and use these frames. I am going to start doing smaller paintings since people have more room for smaller ones and we can keep the price down.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sweet Pineapples

14" x 21"
still life

I love the taste of pineapples and I make a mean pineapple up side down cake.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

At His Table-Holy Week

7" x 10"

This is the interior of the church that I have been a member of for the last 35 years...Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Hammond, Indiana.

Wishing you all a spirit-filled Holy week and a Blessed Easter!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Upon the Sill

10" x 20"

This was what I saw on the window sill at the senior center a few months ago when I was teaching a class. I liked how the light was hitting the leaves. In the painting I had some of the walls showing, but decided to crop it out. I am getting a dark green mat made for it with a v-groove all around it. That should make it look groovy. lol.

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Easter Palette

9" x 11"
still life

Thought I would share with you my palette for this week. Enjoy and Have a Happy Easter!!

Please, do not ask how many I ate while I painted this :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Lily

5" x 7"

Saw these lovely lilies at the green house the other day and since I always have a camera in my purse, I took some photos. I buy enough stuff at this store to steal a few photos. lol. Enjoy your Palm Sunday and Easter week.