Thursday, April 19, 2012

Basket of Marigolds

14" x 21"

At present, I have my students working on flowers. I think we will be working on them for a while since we all seem to like flowers. I went to one of our local floral shops and bought of bunch of silk flowers. These really look real and I am sure they will last longer.

This is a painting that I completed from a basket that one of my students, Joanie, had put together. She actually made the basket. I was showing the students how to set up a little still life and how to use a spot light to create an interesting light effect. Enjoy!


  1. I really love how you have painted this, Kathy!

  2. Catherine...thank you so much. I am now in a flower mode. lol. Watch it snow tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

  3. Wow..really exciting one...I like the depth of the painting.

  4. I do really like flower paintings, especially watercolor painting. Thanks for sharing your beautiful works.

    Would you please to see my scratches on or :)

    Glad to see your comment on it.

    Keep in touch and thanks afterwards.

  5. Thanks Anoop. These are actually fake flowers that I set up with a spot light. Those silk flowers can really look real.

  6. Thanks Bachrojih, It is fun to do flowers in wc. I checked out your blog and you do a lot of people...that is really hard. lol

    Happy Painting.
