Friday, April 20, 2012

Sticking My Head Out.

10" x 7"

This is the painting that I did for the Daily Paintworks challenge for this week. We had to do a painting of an animal and make sure that parts of the head go outside of the picture plane. Every week they post a new challenge for us to do. Some are really challenging.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A look real giraffe painting. It's wet on wet watercolor technique I suppose.
    Well, you've been taking the challenge, and you're succeeded.

  3. Well done , Kathy! You have painted the head so nicely and I love the background particularly :)

  4. Hello Kathy:) Love your giraffe. He has a cute expression on his face. Love your other work. Very nice!

  5. Thanks for all of the lovely comments. Glad you all like the giraffe and hopefully it will make you want to visit your local zoos and try something new in watercolor :)
