Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Woods at Four Winds

14" X 21"

Here is the same area that the last post is from.  I painted this one larger and looser.  I bet this area will look awesome in the fall.  I will have to go back here to shoot some fall photos.  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5" x 9"

On the way to the Four Winds Casino there are these really neat woods that you have to drive past.  So...I happened to have my camera with me and I shot some photos.  This is a little painting that I completed.  It has some opaque paint added to it. I thought this might be neat larger and looser or in oils.  lol.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Entering the Courtyard

14" x 21"

I did this painting about a month or so ago.  I just forgot to put it on my blog.  It is a churchyard in a neighboring city.  I added the monk who represents my friend, David, who is a Franciscan priest.  Listen might hear the bells ringing.  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Riding Along the Lake

21" x 14"

Decided that maybe if I did a painting that might help me re-coop from the surgery that I just had on my eye.  I did 4 value sketches the night before the surgery and this is one of them.  Hopefully I will be painting the next three soon.  Watch for them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Doggie Beach-Chicago

14" x 21

Chicago is a place for everyone...even your doggie....this is a special beach just for them and their masters. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Ride Along the Lake-Chicago

10" x 14"

Thought I would paint some smaller sized Chicago kind of town...Chicago is :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Flood Farm-Columbus, Indiana

watercolor 7" x 10"

Four years ago today while picking up some paintings in Columbus, Indiana, Tim and I had gotten caught up in the floods that they were having at the time.  We had no idea that this was happening until all of the roads were closed and we could not get back to our hotel.  The waters were coming towards us and from the sides.  The dams from the river (6 miles away) had all broken and water was everywhere. We saw some farmers (Kenny and Bernie) standing and watching in dismay and I said to Tim...we have to stop and take them with us ...somewhere.  It turns out they took us in.

We hurriedly grabbed a bunch of food, water and threw it in a Longaberger basket and headed up to the hayloft.  The water was up to our knees by then.  We had been up there for a while and now it was getting dark...the boats were coming, we could hear them in the distance.  We flashed my camera flash and then our car horn and lights.  The boat came and took us to a shelter at the high school.  We spent the night at the shelter.  The next day when the waters were down, the family of the farmers took us to their home.  They put on this big breakfast for us and treated us like family.  Their son was the corner and we were going to meet him one way or the other.  lol.  Their daughter was the head at the emergency room at the hospital that was also flooded.  These folks didn't know us from Adam and they let us take their newer van home. since we had to leave our car there for a month to get fixed ($7,000 damage to a year old car.  sad).

Tim went back the next day to return their car and helped them with their mess...Water up almost up to their ceiling in their basement.

That little window in the middle of the page is where we stayed.    To the left of the middle barn were the cows.  I will never forget that sound of the cows as they were in the water in the barn right under us.  Fortunately, only one cow didn't make it.

We have made some dear friends. Their family was happy that we were there with them...and we were really happy that they were there for us.  We are still friends.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Indy Gals in Indianapolis, Indiana

14" x 21"

 Last week I had to go to Indianapolis, Indiana.  I did take some time to take some photos.  I have so much neat stuff to paint...

 I am not sure what the building is...I think maybe the downtown library.  I will find out the next time I am there.

Tomorrow I am teaching an all day workshop here in the studio.  It is a techniques will be a fast and furious class.   lol.  I am sure at the end of the day we will all be tired.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ern of flowers.


This is a close up section of the previous painting.  Trying to paint loose and abstract.  

All of my flowers are almost planted.  Had a few delays, but they will be done soon.
