Monday, November 7, 2022

Mop Head Wendy

 10" x 7"
 still life

Thought I would paint a few dolls as a different subject matter....Hope you enjoy them and they bring back memories to you and days of your youth.  Perhaps you had this doll.  I didn't have this one.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

October Day

7" x 10"

Today was spent raking up more of the leaves...wish this season would last longer. We are experiencing almost 70 degree weather here in Indiana near Chicago.   So  Awesome!

Bowl of Fall Harvest

 7" x 10"
 still life

 Happy Fall Everyone....the days are still nice and warm here.  Perfect for raking up the leaves....and boy do we get the leaves.  We have had a very colorful fall this year.  Last year I fell and broke a few bones so I was unable to really enjoy it, and I definitely couldn't paint it.
  I made up for it this year.  Took lots of photos and then I have been painting many fall scenes.  Maybe that is why I can't find time to keep this up to date.  I will keep trying to do that.  But in the mean time I will continue to paint.

Enjoy the FALL season.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Roadside Flowees

 14" x 10"

Fall is in the air....but the color isn't here yet in Indiana.  I did find these Sawtooth Daisies along the side of the road.  
It's October now so time to change the decor and welcome Autumn.  Here's to a new color palette to paint with.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Happy Fall

 10" x 14"

Happy Fall You Al'  

Sorry I haven't posted in a while...but I have excuses.  I had a cornea transplant so visually I have been a bit out of sight.  lol.  Then I have had  trouble getting onto my blog site/sight.  I finally figured out a way to get on.   But as usual with everything in life, they try to improve things and in the process they mess everything up.  Like now...I can't change the point size on this copy.  Fortunately, I remembered I can enlarge the type so I can see it on my monitor.  So if you can not read this, try enlarging your monitor.

In the mean time,   Have a great fall and enjoy the colors.  Come back and watch for my fall colors as I apply them to my watercolor paper.  Stay safe.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Daffodils - narcissus

10" x 14"

Still at the garden in Merrillville, Indiana.   Besides Tulips, it had Daffodils. 
I weeded and fertilized my front gardens yesterday.      Enjoy Summer.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Daffodil Garden


 10" x 14"


Here are some more flowers that were at that friendly couple's home.  It was a wonderous day walking through their gardens.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Tulips - Variety Pack


10" x 14"


This was at a really neat garden in Indiana.  It was the front yard of this couple's house. I was allowed to go through the front and back yard to take photos.  It was truly amazing.  The photos were taken in the spring.  I wonder what the gardens look like now.  hum.... it might be...the return of the artist.....

Friday, July 29, 2022


14" x 10"

I am so far behind on posting...some health issues got in the way and then I had many plants to put into my garden.  Now I'm busy weeding and  feeding.
I have so many new paintings to share with you.  

Monday, April 25, 2022

Cup of Daisies

 14" x 10"

 Sometimes when you are recouping from surgery, flowers usually help.   Actually, they help everyday.  Take time to smell the flowers.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Lunch Time

10" x 14"

Yes, lunch sounds good.  The Rooster is probably complaining that it is the same thing to eat again?  Eat Beef.  Chicken does sound good right now...fried or Bar-B-Q?

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Birds of a Feather

10" x 14"

Went to visit my friend and took some photos of her chickens.  They were fun to watch and more fun to paint.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Shadows in the Woods

10" x 14"

I was really fortunate to be able to get a lot of paintings completed this winter.  We did get some snow in the Northern Part of Indiana....near Chicago... But I really can not complain about it.  It was all beauty to my eyes.

Today it was up to 60 degrees....but I am sure there will be more snow.  I will try to get all of my snow paintings posted.  I am so far behind.  I need an assistant...or two.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

10" x 14"

I did a whole series of snow scenes.  I would rather paint than spend my time on the computer..ANYONE ELSE FEEL THE SAME?

Decided to get on with life and I will start opening up my studio with my classes.  I am also teaching classes at Hoosier Highlander, Highland, Indiana.

I will try to do better with my posting. 


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Winter in Chicago VI

10" x 13"

It's already February and we really can't complain with the weather.  We had a few snow days so everything is really pretty.  I was also able to start a new snow series of watercolors.  yes, I am behind on posting my new pieces.  But I have been painting a lot.  I was also able to design to workshops that will be coming up.  I started to clean out (more like can you throw out stuff) my 15 drawer flat files..well I even finished that project.

Stay warm.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Chicago in Winter V

 10" x 14"

It was the beginning of winter.  The skies were gray and we all knew snow would soon be covering us with its white blanket of sparkling snow.

It is snowing as I write this post.  We are expecting 2 snow storms back to back...with snow accumulating  to 10 inches.  Guess the new snow blower will get some good use tomorrow.

stay warm and enjoy the snow days.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Winter in Chicago IV

 10" x 14"

I have a mini series going on of Chicago in the winter.  Then we had a bunch of snow and I had to go out and take photos.  Well...then I had to paint snow scenes.  I am behind on posting my new pieces.

I just spent four days in a watercolor workshop...It started at 9 am and ended about 7 pm.  It was called WATERCOLOR LIVE.  This is the second year that they held this on line event.  It was so awesome with so many great artists.  The demos were fantastic.  I took lots of notes and learned some new things, too.
Lots of work...but it was worth it.  I already signed up for next year's event.

Today I am catching up on the business end of art....I'd rather be painting.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Chicago in Winter III

 10" x 14"

 It was an over cast day in Chicago.  Was it going to snow?  Nope, it didn't that day...  It did snow today. I think we had about 4" and we are supposed to get more tonight.  Time to hit the studio to start painting.....maybe a snow scene.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Winter in Chicago II

 10" x 14"

Here is the second painting in my new winter in Chicago series.  Enjoy...button up your coat.  Where are your hat and gloves.  You are in the Windy City now.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Winter in Chicago I

 14" x 21"

 Here is a series that I am working on of Chicago.  Right now I am painting these 10" x 14" which is a 1/4 sheet of watercolor paper.  They will frame up matted to a 16" x 20" frame.   I don't know how many will be in this collection.  You will have to keep coming back to find out. Happy Painting.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Gouache Barn Series

7" x 10"

Since I got behind with posting because of life 101...and my broken arm, eventually I may post some more of my opaque barns as soon as I figure out what I already posted.  But in the mean time...I will photograph my newest paintings and start the new year off with posting them.

I am working on a Chicago in Winter series and have completed 6 paintings already.  I have also started to paint my annual snow scenes.  Best way to experience the snow.. is in a painting.  We did have a good snow fall a few days ago and I was able to get out and take lots of photos....wait till you see what I have planned for future paintings.

Again...hope you are having a good start to the new year.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

snow reflections

gouache watercolor 
7" x 10"

Another painting from the sketches in my barn book that I painted this in opaque gouache watercolor.  I need to tweak this photo.  It is a little dark.

Monday, January 3, 2022


watercolor- gouache
still life
7" x 10"

After my fall in the fall when I broke my nose and arm I have really gotten behind on blogging.  Having my arm in an air cast for 8 weeks and now going through physical therapy sure keeps me busy.  I DID complete a sketchbook on barns and then did 37 gouache watercolors of these barns.  They were fun to do and I will be doing more of them.

This painting is the last one in the book.

I did start painting for this year and I am currently working on a new series of Chicago.  Today was a perfect cold winter day to go out and take photos.  There were great shapes and shadows...I took a lot of photos.  I have subject matter to keep me busy all winter.  Hope you come back to look for them.

May you all have a great new year filled with many blessings.