Top painting...
While working at my mom's trying to pack up her house in order to sell it, I found some of my old watercolor paintings. Oh my! They are over 30 years old. I sure painted differently back then...or now.
This is a very limited color palette and the painting is overworked and really muddy. This photo makes the painting look better than it is. There are some things that I like about it and some...NOT.
The second one is one I did last night. I thought I would be able to whip it out, but I detailed all those little trees in the background. I thought I would experiment a bit and I used some white opaque. Maybe the next one will be one where I try to paint it really loose. We shall see....Maybe the next one the snow will have melted.
You really did it so well...30 years old painting...?? I can't believe it..It is well painted and its new version is even better...:)
When I saw the top painting (first, of course) I really liked it. Then I saw the second, and I understand what you mean. The colors in the shadows and the trees really enhance the beautiful shapes. Thanks for the lesson.
Hi, this are really good paintings. Dosen't matter if they over worked but the first painting gives a great feeling. I like it.
Wow they are 30 years old. Good you preserved it well.
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