Monday, October 31, 2011

Crown Point, Indiana Court House in Fall

14" x 21"

Thought I would paint this 'ol court house tonight. The only thing about doing a painting such as can not be as loose as I was in the last painting. Or should I say...I can not be.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkins and Mums---step-by-step.

watercolor 14" x 21"
still life

Thought I would do my pumpkin challenge for the daily paintworks. Since it is almost Halloween, I thought tonight was a good night to do this. I hope you enjoy my step by step process. I didn't think I needed to explain what I did. They say a picture paints a thousand words. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Reflections

14" x 21"

Ok, here it is, the same subject matter that was done on that canvas board. Went back to traditional watercolor. It is amazing how the two surfaces react so differently. You need to try new things to grow as an artist. Each technique presents a new challenge and a different look. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Prairie on Canvas Board

6" x 12"

Found this neat board when I was in Chicago a few weeks ago. It was a canvas board with a cradle (?) Thought I would give it a try. It was different. I almost pulled out my acrylics. It didn't respond to transparent wc like paper does. It would even lift off. That would be great if you made a mistake. I just wanted to paint thick on it. I am going to do this composition again but on for it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkins and Mums

watercolor-14" x 21" $75

Felt I would just do a painting today to represent fall. I went to a pumpkin fest in a local town and so I was inspired to paint this set up from a local farm stand. The sketch I did many years ago and today was the day to make it a painting.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #20

watercolor-landscape-5" x 7" - $50 includes mat

Ok, this is it. This is the last of the paintings for the centerpieces. Yeah... they are all done! I hope that the guests enjoy the neat things we have planned for them at the gala.

Friday, October 21, 2011

5" x 7" #19

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 includes mat

Ok. Just one more after this and you will have seen all 20 paintings. The copies which will go on as table decorations are all framed and so are all of the originals that are for sale. Whew. Still have more work to do for the decorations and a little book that I am making filled with ice breakers. One will go on each table. I am in the process of making 20 of them. So back to the studio I go. I would rather be painting. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

5" x 7" #18 Fall

5" x 7" watercolor, landscape, $50 matted

Moving right along into fall....except today it is so cold, rainy and really WINDY. Oh yeah, did I mention that it was windy. lol

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #17 Fall

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 matted

Here is another for the gala....

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #16 Fall

watercolor, landscape, 5" x 7", $50 matted

Here's another in the series of paintings that will be used for table decorations. The copies will be given away at the dinner/dance/gala. The originals will be sold and a % going to the Chesterton Art Center. ' Sure you do not want to attend Nov. 4 in Chesterton Indiana???

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Summer Shadows III"

watercolor - 14 x 21 - landscape - $75

Still hanging on to summer...this is probably the last in this series of summer will be a short series. Think I will be doing some fall paintings next. Have a great week.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Winter Demo

11 x 15

Today I did a demo for my afternoon class. One of my students brought in this photo and was having trouble painting it. I hope the demo helped her.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #14 Fall

5" x 7" watercolor -landscape-$50 includes mat

Sorry I did not get these small paintings posted in order. Just follow the numbers...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #12 fall

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 matted

Back to posting the paintings for that gala that is coming up. They are all completed, matted, framed. Whew...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Summer Porch Shadows

watercolor 14" x 21" landscape $75

This is a demo painting that I did for my afternoon class today. The assignment is to do a close up of is up to them to decide what this So it is exciting to see what they are doing for their value sketches. They were so busy working and so hard at it that you could hear a pin drop. I have carpeting on the floors of the studio. They are never this quiet. They will finish up their masterpieces next week and the following week we will have a big critique.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Summer Shadows

watercolor 14" x 21 landscape

Decided that I needed to get away from those little brushes. Give me my, not the kind to wash the floors with. I want those big was fun to paint large again. Nice and relaxing. I was tempted to paint this as a fall scene...but thought I did enough of those for now.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #13

5" x 7" watercolor landscape $50 matted

Hope you are not tired of seeing all of these little paintings that I am painting for the gala. I can't wait to paint larger and looser. I have a few demos planned for this week so I will be going back to 1/2 sheet size and back to my mops :) Enjoy!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #15

5" x 7" watercolor - landscape $50 matted

Just five more to post. Been working on the matting and framing, too.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hand Challenge

watercolor 5" x 7" $40 matted

This past week's challenge on the daily paintworks was to paint your hand. It is Friday and I am finally getting around to doing this. I have been so busy painting those little 20 paintings for the gala fundraiser.

Tonight I went to the Michigan City Art walk and opening of the Southern Shores Member's show. It couldn't have been a better night and I was with some great friends. Had an awesome time and it was good to get out of the studio for a few hours.

This is the new Parker Ingenuity 5th Mode Fountain Pen (also known as a writing instrument) that came out Oct. 1. It was delivered this week. Fun!!

Mini 5" x 7" #11

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 includes mat

Ok, This is the last in the snow mini series. I need nine more for the gala...what will they be.....come back and see.

Heading to the studio to frame....see you there.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #10

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 includes matting

Ok...Today I started framing. Whew. Last night I was cutting mats. Some people do not know how much work there is to being an artist. It is a good thing that we do what we love....enjoy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

mini 5" x 7" #9

5" x 7" watercolor landscape $50

Tonight I was cutting mats for all of these paintings. The chairwoman of the gala said it was too big of a donation to give the originals. So, I went and had copies made at the office supply store on card stock. They actually turned out pretty good just for a copy. So I made 20 mats for the copies and then 20 double mats for the originals. I will frame them all and hopefully I will sell the originals this holiday season....Get yours early. lol.

I will be so sore tomorrow morning from cutting these mats. What we do in the name of art...because this is what we do.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #8

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 with mat

Today's winter painting has picked up some thing about these little paintings is that you can really play around with compositions and colors. Great way to experiment. I am using scraps of wc paper and some are even on the backs of demos that I did for my students. Enjoy!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

mini 5" x 7" #7

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 matted

Just three more mini snow scenes to go after this one. Actually I am working on the next mini 10. My goal is 20 for our gala fundraiser for our art center. Keep watching.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

mini 5" x 7" #6

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 with mat

Still painting strong. I had a friend stop by via Skype to see me paint this one. It was a lot of fun painting it for him.

These little ones are hard to photograph...or maybe it is me. lol

Mini 5" x 7" #5

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50

Moving right along with my mini series. I have decided for sure that I will do 10 snow dune scenes and 10 fall country/barn scenes. Once I chill you off, I will warm you up. Keep coming back. Have a great week.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #4

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50

Moving right along with my mini series. Now if it starts to snow soon....I am NOT responsible. lol. It feels like snow. It is so cold, windy and rainy out...time for a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows :)) Would you like a cup?