Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rose III


Ok, here is Rose #3. I promise I will paint something different next time...hummm. But what? I am still planting all of my flowers and still have to go and get a few more. Then after they are all planted, it is time to weed and feed.

Have a Happy Memorial Day those that celebrate our holiday and to those that don't have a great weekend everyone.

Look for me in the garden.....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Roses II

watercolor 10 x 14

Here is another rose to this series. I wanted this to be a softer rose. I am still planting my flowers in my gardens. Hopefully I will be all done this weekend. Then I will be spending time weeding and feeding. It will be exciting having all these pretty flowers to paint. Please come back to my garden...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rose I

watercolor 10 x 14

I decided to paint another type of flower..this time I am painting roses. I have been planting my gardens the last few days. Today it was 97 degrees. This is August weather.
And...I stepped on a bee today. He got mad and stung me right in the ball of my foot and then that made me even madder. It still hurts.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Peony III


Here is the third in that peony series. This one is not another purple, but a deep alizarin crimson. And, this is also one of those that grow on small trees.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Purple Peonies II


Here is a companion piece to the other peony that I painted. These are really this color and they do grow on a small tree. They are really unique. Really!!
Today I worked in the garden...weeding and planting. I wanted to do more this evening, but then it began to rain. Maybe my body needed a rest and needs to go and paint for a while. At least in the garden of my studio, there are no weeds to pull.
There is always tomorrow to plant more flowers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Purple Peonies I


I have never seen peonies this color before. Nor have I ever seen them grow on a tree instead of a bush. These belong to a friend of mine. They were a sight to behold.

Nature's Path to Spring Reflections

watercolor 7 x 11 matted 12 x 16

My friend, Prabal made the comment that if I had a drop of water in this painting that it would go along with my reflection series. So I tried to add a few puddles. Hope this works.
Flowers if I have them with water drops can they be reflections?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nature's Path to Spring

watercolor 7 x 11 matted 12 x 16

Another little watercolor. I must be in a green period. I know I will be painting flowers next since I have just begun to plant my gardens for this season. So if you can not find me, look for me in the garden.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


watercolor 7 x 11 matted 12 x 16

When I painted my last entry the "Bean of Chicago" I wasn't even thinking about my reflection series. I was just thinking about adding another painting to my Chicago series. But here is another demo that I did showing my students how to paint reflections. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Bean-Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

Now if you haven't been to Chicago for awhile, you have not seen this new piece of sculpture. It is at Millennium Park (that's kinda new, too). The title for this piece was originally the "Cloud Gate." It is over 100 tons and it has a mirror surface. Something really neat to see. It is big. So no, I am not spilling the beans or losing them. I am just painting them.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reflections II

watercolor 7 x 11

Here is another demo that I did for my students to show them how to do reflections and how to work with greens. I find working with the greens can be a bit harder to paint with.
This is a little cottage for all mom's to escape to..HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LADIES!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reflections I

watercolor 7 x 11

I was teaching my students how to do reflections this week so you will be seeing a few little paintings that I did for them. It was good to get away from the Chicago series, but there are still more to come.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chicago Light House

watercolor 14 x 21

We are back at Navy Pier but this time we are sitting and looking at the light house. I would love to go into a light house and see what they look like from the inside. Like I said...there is so much to see and do at the Pier!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Winter in Chicago

watercolor 30 x 22

I wanted to do a painting of Water Tower so after I drew it all out, I had to decide what would be the best way to show this beautiful building. I thought of the dark contrast of a night scene. Then once I did that, then I thought this reminds me of the times I was there in the winter. I loved walking around the tower at this time of year...Christmas. They offer these neat carriage rides so you can see the whole city. Did you know, that this is one of the only buildings that survived the Chicago Fire? Ironic, isn't it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still Waters III

watercolor 14 x 21

We are still at the lake front painting boats. I really didn't plan on doing this water series in the Series of Chicago paintings, it just happened. Enjoy!