The challenge for this week on dailypaintworks was to paint anything but to use only rectangles. With each rectangle we had to use a different color/value. This is a hard assignment to do in wc since we work in washes and not brush strokes. I did the rectangle one first and then I redid the painting as I normally would paint it. Two totally different looks.
Hi Kathy, I like more the second watercolor. The shapes are synthesized and I feel it's more expressive, really is a good watercolor. If I had money I would buy it, but I went put out to pasture in the flower of life without being able to earn any money. MPDR.
Did you do this challenge yet? It was a bit tougher for a wc artist. They seem to forget that some of us do not use brush strokes like they do. Hey send me your address in an e-mail and I will send it to you. So you are retired, huh? Awesome. Thanks for your lovely comments.
I like the wonderful abstraction in the second one. And the first one is as usual, very beautiful :)
Thanks Ramesh...now you both want me to paint abstract?? I would send YOU the painting Ramesh, but Julian spoke up first. lol
I, too, love the abstract shapes of the second painting. It feels looser and more expressive. I'm sure someone will buy this one quick. Your first one is beautiful also.
Hi Kathy,
This assignment gives really good perspective on the color value. The yellow dominates and attracts the eye. And it is very clear to see in the bottom painting.
Thank you,
Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. It was a harder assignment for the wc artist so that is why they call them challenges. I may try this with mty students. I may try this again for myself. I do like breaking the painting up into shapes and patterns.
Thanks for showing both versions...they are both wonderful!
Thanks Cynthia...both were fun!!
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