Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to All

21 x 21

Here is it Christmas Eve in Indiana.  We celebrated on Saturday by having a party with Tim 's family.  It was a Polar Express Party.  We had a blast.  My next party is on Saturday the 29th and will be even bigger than the family one that had 19 people..  I always throw a big party for my students, too.  There is also a painting competition involved for plenty of food, drinks and prizes.

Here's to a great New Year to all of you!!  Peace and Love, Kathy

Saturday, December 15, 2012

5"' x 7"

Tis the season.....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Santa III

5 x 7

More of my Santa paintings.  Decorating it all done. Gifts all bought and wrapped and bowed.  Is that a  Started to make and will plan my menu and make my grocery list.  Time sure is flying.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Santa II

5" x 7"

Tis the season....back to decorating.....Ho HO Ho.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


5 x 7

Love Santa's at the mall.  My dad used to be a santa so you will see his face in most of my santas.  Hope you are getting ready for the holidays.  Got all of the trees done...yes, one in every room.  Gifts are all wrapped, just need bows...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winter Blues

12 x 12

Here's a little watercolor that I did on watercolor canvas.  This will be in the Chesterton Art Center's show which opens on 12-12-12 from 5-7 pm.  The gallery is at 115 4th ave, in Chesterton, Indiana.   All the paintings in this show have to be 12" x 12"....Tomorrow my framer will deliver this painting to me all framed up.  Can't wait to see it. Stay warm :))

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ornament of the Season

5" x 7"
Still Life

While up in Chicago last year I took some photos of the trees at Macy's.  Thought I would do some paintings for the season.  Hope you are busy decorating.  I am.  Got 3 trees up this weekend.  Tomorrow I am hoping to get my 9' tree done.  That one takes a while to complete.

The dining room tree has colored lights, is 7 ' tall and is all decorated with baskets filled with Christmas greenery.  The sun room tree is a full 7-1/2" tree with colored lights and that one has nothing but snow, snowmen (snow people), snowflakes.  Hope they do not melt in the sun room.  lol.  That tree has colored lights on it.  The family room has a tree with colored lights and that is my country tree.  Most of the ornaments on that tree are ones that I have made over the years.  Some are patchwork quits squares. It has fake popcorn, lots of garlands of beads, raffia. It was a productive weekend.

Friday, November 30, 2012


on wc canvas

Just having some fun for the holidays.  You will be seeing Holiday themed paintings for a while for your shopping and viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!!  This one was painted on watercolor canvas.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Flower

10" x 12'

This is a painting that I did for the Illiana Artist Group.  I am the vice-president.  This painting of Christmas is done on cradled canvas.  This is a special canvas made just for watercolor.  It is really fun to work on.

This Saturday, Dec. 1, I will be in the front window in Grinder Cafe' in Griffith, Indiana. (on Broad street).   At 2-ish they will be lighting the town, singing carols and sharing  cocoa and cookies.  I will be doing a Christmas related painting.  Come on by if you live in the area.  This cafe' has great sandwiches...and various coffees and teas....see you there.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Eat Your Veggies


I love to visit grocery stores when we are on vacation.  I do not remember where this was at...but I took the photo for this painting some years ago.

Monday, November 19, 2012


12" x 12"

Saw these lovely sunflowers at the grocery store and they cried out to me to take them home...after I payed for them :)

This is done on a very heavy plate (5-ply) bristol board.  It was fun to work on.  Hope you enjoy it.  Have a great week.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Early Winter at Dusk-Chicago

14" x 21"

Sorry I haven't posted for a while....I have had the flu.  I am too busy of a person to get that.  lol.  But I did get to watch 4 Christmas movies.  I am back to painting and posting.  Then I will be decorating...even got a good jump on my Christmas shopping.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

At Z the Marina

14" x 21"

Same marina different view.  I was trying to play up the letter "Z" in this composition.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

At the Marina

14" x 21"

This is a scene that you can see when you are at the Horseshoe Casino.  Here we are looking at one of the steel mills at dusk.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mini workshop-Nov. 10.

7" x 11

Birch tree workshop....  Nov. 10,  at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, Indiana.  We will paint a birch tree painting and then we will also paint some birch trees for Christmas cards.  Call the art center for more info or to sign up.....219-926-4711. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chicago series - # X

7" x 11"

This is the last of my Chicago mini series.  Now you have seen them all.  Back to painting larger.  Keep watching for some new and exciting things.  

My show comes down on Wednesday.  Last chance to see it tomorrow...or you can come on Wednesday and help me take it down.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chicago series-IX

7" x 11"

Here is #9 in my little Chicago series.  These I made for my solo show which was "One Hour From Home."  Since I do not like to travel, I wanted to show how you can find subjects all around you if only we would open our eyes.  These little paintings that are 9" x 11" are matted to 12" x 16" and these I painted to be your postcard from taking my trip through my paintings.

There were 10 barns, 10 dunes and 10 Chicago scenes.  It is hard to believe that this Wednesday the show comes down. Where did that month go?   So you still have a chance to go to the Chesterton Gallery in Chesterton, Indiana.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chicago series-VIII

11" x 7"

Here is a little painting that I did for my solo show in Chesterton, Indiana.  I believe this one sold already.  I haven't posted for a bit since I was sick.  Guess sometimes we just have to take it easy....not easy for me to do.  But I am feeling a lot better and Tim is now sick.  Now that is really for the birds.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chicago series VII

7" x 11"

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but right after my big opening of my solo exhibit I ended up getting sick.  Tonight I got some meds and soon I will be back in the studio painting away.

I have some workshops coming up on Saturday and Monday so I better hurry and get well quick.

By the way, this is the Marshall Field's clock.  The store is no longer Field's anymore.  It is now Macy's.  They kept this clock and they still sell the Field's chocolates :))

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chicago series VI

7" x 11"

The Chicago Bean is a neat place to visit.  Here you can see a view of the city or of yourself.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chicago series V

7" x 11"

At the Daley Plaza you will find the big sculpture of Picasso.  One day last summer I saw this man feeding the pigeons.  There are so many pigeons in Chicago.  lol.  This painting SOLD the day of my opening, Sept. 29.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chicago Series IV

7" x 11"

This is Picasso's gift to the city of Chicago.  You can find this sculpture at the Daley Center Plaza.  It is big and you can not miss it.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chicago series III

7" x 11"

This is the Chicago light house.  Wouldn't that light house be a cool place to have a studio.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chicago series II

 7" x 11"

Watch for the Chicago series.  My demo was this past Saturday at the Chesterton Gallery in Chesterton, Indiana.  The opening was this past Sunday and was a blast.  Photos to come or you can find them on my Face book pages.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chicago Series # I

7" x 11" it next series.  This is #1 in my mini series of 10 of Chicago.  I sure do love the city.  Hope you enjoy this next series :))

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dunes series X

7" x 9"

This is number 10 in my little series of dune paintings.  I hope you have enjoyed them all.  

My show opens this Sunday, Sept. 30. from 2-4 at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, Indiana.  The show is up for the month of October.  I will be doing a demo at the art center on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 2.  Both are free...hope to see you there..

Watch to see what my next little series will be.......

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dunes Series IX

7" x 11"

Moving right along and getting all ready for my show.  Opening reception is Sunday, Sept. 30 from 2-4 at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, IN.  Watercolor demo is on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 2 pm at the Chesterton Art Center.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dunes Series VIII

7" x 11"

Moving along with my dunes series. 

Today I finished  the title cards for my big solo show.  I have 33 paintings all framed and ready to go.  The opening will be Sept. 30 from 2-4 at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana.  The show is up all of Oct.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dunes seeries #VII

7" x 11"

Some how I got these numbers all mixed up.  lol.  That happens when you are busy painting.  lol.  Enjoy

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dunes series # IV

7" x 11"

Oppz.  Some how I forgot #4.  Well here it is.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dunes Series V

7" x 11"
landscape  /  dunescape

Thought I would paint the water this off....

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dunes Series III

7" x 11"

Today's dunes scene is from a trip last fall to West Beach, in Indiana.  Here's a different slant on the

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dunes Series II

7" x 11"

Working on this dunes series and this is #2,  Enjoy your day in the sun :))

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dunes Series I

7" x 11"

New Series...the Indiana Dunes.  Within one hour from my home are the Indiana Dunes / National Lake Shore.  This is such a beautiful area anytime of the year.  The sands are forever changing the landscape of these dunes.  Come journey with me as I paint my Dunes series.  Enjoy!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Barn series #10

7" x 11"

This is the tenth is my barn series....mission accomplished.  On to the next series.  Come back and see what it will be.  Thanks for all of your comments on this series!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Barn Series-Snow

7" x 11"

My goal was to do 10 barns in this smaller format for my big show coming up.  Then there will be a series of 10 of another subject.  You have to come back to see what it will be.  Enjoy!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Barn Series...continues

7" x 11"

Just continuing on with my barn series. Busy getting ready for my big show.  Just gave 15 paintings to the framer to frame.  I used to do all of that myself...just can't do it all any more.  Have lots to do for the show.  Stay tuned..

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Barn Series-Winter

9" x 11"

Thought I would add a few winter scenes to this series.   I think these little paintings will be good to get my students back on track painting.  I bet most of them did not paint this summer....Classes resume Sept. 5.  Oh My!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

After the Rain-barn series

7" x 11"

Moving right along with my barn series.  Enjoy!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fall Barn-series

7" x 9"

Continuing on with my smaller barn series....No, I am not ready for fall to come...but I will accept it when it does.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fall Round Barn

7" x 11"

Moving right along with my little series....out in the country.

Barn at Dusk

7" x 11"

#3 in my barn series.  Enjoy!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer Barn

7" x 11"

Working on my series of ten is #2.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wind Power

7" x 11"

This is my start for a series of barns.  Watch for more of them.  My goal is to get ten paintings done this size.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Buckingham Fountain II

14" x 21"

Thought I would try the same subject and try to change the background to see what kind of feeling that would create.  Which do you like better?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Buckingham Fountain-Chicago

14" x 21"

Here is another one of my favorite places to visit in Chicago.  It is so interesting to see the people that also visit this fountain.  It seems like there is always someone getting married here or at least getting some wedding photos.  At night this fountain has an array of colored lights...kinda cool, too.  On Windy days you can get really wet. lol.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Basket of Flowers-Plein air

5" x 7"

I was out in my garden the other evening painting plein air.  Enjoy!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Plein Air-Zinnias

10" x 7"

After teaching my workshop yesterday I went and gardened the front gardens...I weeded and feeded.  Then I decided to do a little painting of the flowers.  I used a beach chair so I could keep my supplies on the sidewalk next to me while I do you get out of one of those chairs at my age.  Now that was funny  and FUN!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Mooo-ve Over

14" x 21"

If you have read my blog you might have caught the entries about the farm/farmers who saved us during the flood in southern Indiana 3 years.  Well, I finally got to painting the cows on the farm.  I will never forget the cries that they made (mooing noises) as the waters were up to their bellies.  We all (got a southern accent from that experience) were up in the upper right hand window of the hayloft (haymow).

We visited there in June so I was able to take more photos.  I am planning on getting this painting made into greeting cards.  Then I will be able to send them some as a little reminder/gift.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Fall Fishing" step by step

14" x 21"

It took a while, but I finally figured it all out.  Here it is ...step by step!!  This was done from a sketch I did about 20 years ago.  I added a few things.   Enjoy.