As I post tonight's painting, it is snowing (and raining). It was snowing before I started this painting so don't blame me for the 4" of snow that we received this evening.
This is a scene which is about a block from my house. It is a prairie which is very pretty at all times of the year. The great thing about it is that you can not pick any wild flowers or anything in it. There are deer to be seen in these woods. And, houses can never be built in this area.
When I painted the broken limb in the foreground, I shaped it into the letter "Y" in WHY is beauty fenced in?
Gee, what will I paint tomorrow? Time to clean up the palette for my next painting...
We have the same wether, where I live near to Madrid, also It has been snowing and I took some pictures with intention to paint them, but I don't dare I prefer to see your snowed paintings. It's more easy and so I can watch how you resolve the problems of putting trees at background, lights and shadows all together. Well done, Kathy.
So you have the snow too. It is awesome isn't it. Except for the shoveling. I am in the process right now of another one that I will post later. I took photos of it step-by-step. Now to finish it up and make it a masterpiece...or at least try.
This is a wonderful piece. Very nice feeling of the snow and shadows.
Thank you Aruna. But everyone was blaming me for the snow that we had the other day.
Kathy thank you for the kind words on my blog. I started in watercolors and feel exactly the same, they add an excitement to work! Your paintings are stunning. So nice to connect with you, happy painting!
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