Another in my eating series. I think these might be easier to do in oil or acrylic. But they are fun to paint and it is fun finding places to eat...I mean, finding subject matter :)
This is from that cooking class that I had here last week. It was a blast having the cook from Scarborough Faire' in Schererville, IN come and teach us how to cook. We are going to do another cooking class in March for St. Pat's Day.
Been designing cards all evening. There is a new scrap book store in Crown Point, In. It's called Cafe Crop, and I will be teaching a card making class on Feb. 13. I will show the students how to use watercolor pencils to enhance their cards. It should be fun. Sometimes we need that you know.
Happy Eating!! And happy painting and card making!!
I am enjoying your Eat and Drink series. It's nice to explore different subjects.
Thanks Aruna...who said we are starving artists? I thought about ending this series but I still have a few more ideas that want to come out. Watch and see. I am headed to the studio right now...Happy Painting!
Hi, Kathy, today is the first day that my Internet is working and I go back to your watercolors. I got to tell you I'm very surprised for your new themes. You know I'm an specialist in appreciating difficult paintings.(It's a joke), but painting people are hard enough at watercolors, acrilic and oil. I'm looking forward to watching acrilic paintings from you. By the way, I cook cajun fried green tomatoes very good.
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