watercolor 14" x 21" landscape $75
This is a demo painting that I did for my afternoon class today. The assignment is to do a close up of something....it is up to them to decide what this means....lol. So it is exciting to see what they are doing for their value sketches. They were so busy working and so hard at it that you could hear a pin drop. I have carpeting on the floors of the studio. They are never this quiet. They will finish up their masterpieces next week and the following week we will have a big critique.
This is beautiful. So striking. Your students must have been really stimulated after watching this painting being created. You probably stunned them all speechless!
Your use of colors is so lovely. Pure colors boldly used makes such a huge difference..
Kathy, love your user of such rich and beautiful colors.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to stop by and then to write comments. I do paint with alot of color. The paints that I use are Holbein and they have no ox gall in them (go figure. lol) that is why they do not get AS muddy.
I do have some great students. Some have been with me over 20 years. Figure that one out since I am only 40.
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