These are the demos that I did for the workshop today that I held in my studio. The pineapple was an 11 x 14 and the peppers were even bigger. I started out with teaching how to set up stills with fruits and vegetables. I had each of them bring their cameras so that they could shoot subject matter to paint later. Then I showed them how to download them on to their computers. I explained to them how to crop, and edit their photos. Those who know me know that this is really funny. I swore that I would never be on a computer and here I am teaching others how to use theirs. Too funny.
We had a great time in class and they did some good pieces. I told them now they have to redo them to see how loose they can get. I am even going to redo mine to see how loose I can get. Oh, by the way...lunch was delicious but that up-side down German chocolate cake was out of this world. Who said we are starving artists.
Both these paintings are so..... juicy.. I did not get my share of cake. I am a starving artist.. :(
Firstly, I love the lively line and coloinof your demos, but my eye was next drawn to the variety in your edges--soft, crisp, lost, found. Very interesting.
Hi Kathy, up until a couple of years ago I had never used a computer. Now I shoot everything and load it into my computer and its magical stuff to be able to see it on the screen and fix it in real life... didn't get any cake because you were too busy eating this juicy pineapple that I painted. Boy was it a good one, so yummy. And then that
Wish you lived closer. I would like to try these again to really get juicy and loose. Boy did I take some neat photos of all of these veggies. May be my next series.
Elizabeth..glad you noticed all of that lost and found edges...I was trying to emphasize that. But I do want to try these again for myself to see how loose I can get since I am not a loose painter. Thans for your comments. You and Prabal can both have a piece of the cake that I made.
Hi Ron, You sound like me...I scare my friends with some of my computer knowledge. Some still can't believe that I have this blog and that I am on facebook. I hate anything technical. Thank God there are automatic settings on cameras....Thanks for stopping by. Today everyone is getting some of my German chocolate up-side cake :)
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