I just had to do another Hydrangea painting. I love this flower a lot...can you tell? I was working on this last night so at midnight I tip-toed out into the garden to pick one of the flowers. I didn't want to wake the other flowers up. Then they would all want to come in or they would get mad that I was taking their sister. Yes, it was their sister...I took a pink one.
Boy are we having some strong storms going through today and even as I write. The tornado sirens were going off about an hour ago. I heard that Chicago was really hit bad by the storms.
Guess I will not have to water my gardens tomorrow. Hope there is no flooding either.
Back to the studio to see what I want to paint next...enjoy!
You are very lucky to have these beautiful flowers with you.
Here, in Seville, it`s too hot to let them grow.
Anyway, Lilas was my first watercolor, and my favorite smell.
Thank you for your lovely picture.
Thanks Mercedes. The clock is at 10because I start my painting anytime from 10 pm and on. Like it is almost 3:30 in the morning right now. Presently,I am working on lilacs for a class I will be teaching July 10. I will post that tomorrow or the next day. We had some hot days here too and lots of rain. Come back for more flowers..lol and take it easel. kath-
Hi Kathy, beatiful painting. I love hydrangeas, but isn't the vase a bit too in center? I say this to you hoping to appear knowledgeable about design.MPDR.
Hi Julian, I painted these for you then... MPDR yes it is almost exactly centered whioh is normally not good design. But sometimes it is do-able...that is why the clock is to the right? You look at the flowers and then right away go to the clock and the space behind the clock. I can appear to have an excuse for everything. If you want to buy this painting, then I will mat it so the flowers are not in the middle for you. MPDR
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