I wanted to paint Buckingham Fountain, Chicago again. This time I wanted to catch the feeling of the water...it is wet (and on a windy day, so are you) and sometimes it is really loud. I should do a painting of this as a night scene since they have colored lights on it. Hummmmm.
Today was a good day. I went to pick up 3 paintings that I had in a show and found out that one of them sold. Yeah! Once I get the check and I know for sure that it is really sold, I will post a photo of it.
I am teaching a class this Saturday at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana. This week we will be painting delphiniums. It will be a long skinny painting. I am sure there is probably still space available if you are interested in this class....my friends from India...as much as I would love to have you in class, I think it is a 24 hour flight....you better leave now.
I have always been scared of painting fountains like this. Its so difficult to portay the water in fountains. What you have done is simplification of things which has worked. And I am sure that lady is not you. You could not be wearing this on such a sunny and bright day. :)
Do post the picture of the painting you sold. Congarts. :)
And if I leave now I'll not be in time for your class. There is always a next time.
Loved this.It is so beautiful. It's so bright and colourful.
@Prabal...you probably won't see this until you get back. I am sure that you are on a plane right now heading for the United States. Remember, you are 10-1/2 hours ahead of us. lol Should I bake you cake, cookies or brownies? Heck, I will bake them all :)
It is beginning to look like what I want, but not totally. The top fall I thihnk I captured that wind blowing the water. I may try a few little paintings of this. I am in an out door show in July.
@ Rogerio..Glad you like it. Hope you didn't get wet. I do paint with alot of color. Hope all is well.
This is not me in the painting.
Hi Kathy,
I guess by now that long skinny painting must have been painted...
And those brownies and cookies eaten :)
Well...there's always a next time!
The fountain painting is very good. Love those figures in the front!
Hi Ramesh...Thanks for your kind comments...I think that might be you in the forground talking to me...lol
Class went really well today. I will post a photo of the class tomorrow/later today. Brownies are all gone. I will be baking more this week since I am having a party on Friday.
Have a great weekend and upcoming week. Cheers!
I went to Galicia and when I went back to Madrid I see that you are in Chicago yet. Where are your flowers?, you will have your garden abandoned. MPDR. I'll not be able to see your wonderful roses. ¡ Bonita fuente !. I like this fountain!.
I'll be sure you will sell the last two paintings. Congratulations !
Hi Julian...it is about time you got home. I thought you were only going to be gone for 1 week. I have been working in my yard but lately we have been getting so much rain. I think that might be you at this fountain. You colored your hair...MPDR I just finished another Chicago fountain. I will look at it tomorrow to see what it might need and then I will post it.
I think I will do some flowers for you tomorrow then you will not go away. MPDR Time to wash out my brushes. Welcome home.
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