So much has been happening these last few days. Word of not get 3 rooms of new carpeting at one time. There is no place to empty out these rooms. Being married for almost 34 years, makes one tend to collect a lot of "stuff." I have not seen my studio for almost a week. Much of it ended up in there. Tomorrow I claim back my space as I get ready for a class that I am teaching on Friday at the Senior Center in Griffith. We can still fit you in if interested. Give me a call.
Also at this time I got a cold or a bug or something. That is slowing me down. Got a few more flowers to plant, but it is supposed to rain for the next 4 days. oh well.
Back to frosting my chocolate cupcakes...are you coming for coffee?
This is great.. Nicely fresh, loose and has a lot of light too. What is happening to you.. Get well soon.. And can you send some of those cup cakes to me??
Hi Prabal,,,Thanks for the message and comments. The get well wishes are most welcoming. I don't know what I had...I cold or flu. I am getting better. I am finally getting my studio back together. Tomorrow I teach a class and then I will be back at the drawing board with brush at hand.
I hope you enjoyed teh cupcakes I sent you via the email. lol.
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