What a snowy day we had today. The winds were blowing so much. Just because I painted those little snowmen for my bathroom, I am not responsible for today's snow storm.
Schools and activities are already closed to tomorrow...which is actually today since it is almost 4 am. lol. Enjoy the snow...I will be happy to send you some.
This is a lovely snow scene kathy. very cgeerful and lots of snow..
this is a fantastic picture...
love it...
Thanks Prabal, SKIZO, and jyothisethu! I bet all of you don't even get snow!! Guess I will have to send you all some.
It is lovely to see it falling and when the sun is out to see the shapes and shadows. Camera, here we come.
loved the way the light has filtered out of the woods..good one..!
enjoy the snowfall (I am not sure if I must use the word 'enjoy'..But I do enjoy snowfall when I get a chance to see one)
Olivia and PC it is funny how we take something as simple as snow and do not remember that some folks to not get the chance to see it or feel it. It is so lovely and quiet as it falls. Everything is so still. And then, once it has fallen, it is like a blanket wraped around everyting. It is quite lovely. Glad you like the painting.
I love the painting --the colors, the lost and found edges, the snowy snowy look :) You have captured the snow fall really masterfully!
Lucky me! I just came upon your blog
What a delight
beautiful work
Thanks for sharing
Beautiful view of snow field. I wish you a happy Christmas with your family and a lot of workshops for the next year full of people who is learning from your knowledge.
Thanks Meera and Organized Confusion. I am glad that OC stumbled onto my blog. Hope you come back more often. After the holidays I will be able to do more snow paintings so come back...
@ Yes Julian, this is a snow field...this is where the snow grows. MPDR Good to see you again and I see you have a new profile photo. So I guess that is another camera that you broke. I already have 4 workshops lined up for Jan and Feb and this is supposed to be my time off. oh well. I hope your family has a blessed Christmas. Tomorrow I will post a christmas painting.....now you have to come back. MPDR
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